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Optus hit with class action over data breach
Privacy & Cybersecurity 2023-04-21 1:00 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Optus has been hit with a class action on behalf of current and former customers whose personal information was exposed in a massive data breach last September that affected up to 10 million people.Ā 

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Optus ‘Boost’ promotions halted as Boost Tel lawsuit plays out
Intellectual Property 2023-03-16 4:31 pm By Sam Matthews

Telecommunications giant Singtel Optus has been barred from promoting various products using the word ā€˜boostā€™ until an intellectual property suit brought by Boost Mobile is resolved.

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Boost Mobile sues Optus for ā€˜flagrantā€™ trade mark infringement
Intellectual Property 2023-03-01 4:40 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Boost Mobile has sued telecommunications giant Singtel Optus, alleging it ā€œmisappropriatedā€ its goodwill by marketing services under a similar product name after Boost chose to move its mobile network to Telstra.

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Judge ‘confused’ by ACCC’s rejection of $1.8B Telstra, TPG mobile network deal
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-01-30 4:49 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The ACCC’s rejection of a regional network arrangement between Telstra and TPG was “confusing” and the telecos might be free to vary the transaction, says a judge who is overseeing a challenge to the competition regulator’s decision.

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Optus to bring fraud counterclaim in $100M TeleChoice suit
Telecommunications 2023-01-25 3:12 pm By Sam Matthews

Optus has won more time to bring a counterclaim in a $100 million lawsuit by mobile retailer TeleChoice alleging it was misled when the telecommunications giant claimed it would earn the same revenue as in an agreement that was being negotiated with Telstra.

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ACCC rejects Telstra, TPG $1.8B mobile network sharing deal
Telecommunications 2022-12-21 9:50 am By Christine Caulfield

The ACCC has refused to authorise a regional network arrangement between Telstra and TPG, saying the deal would entrench Telstra’s dominant position in the mobile market.

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Telstra customer data released in accidental privacy breach
Privacy & Cybersecurity 2022-12-09 10:18 pm By Christine Caulfield

The personal details of 130,000 Telstra customers were accidentally released in a privacy breach the result of a “misalignment of databases”, the telecommunications giant has revealed.

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Telstra on the outs with ACCC over Belong broadband speed claims
Competition & Consumer Protection 2022-12-06 3:31 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has brought proceedings against Telstra alleging it misled almost 9,000 customers about the upload speed of its budget internet provider Belong.Ā 

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Telcos hit with $33.5M in penalties over NBN speed claims
Telecommunications 2022-11-11 1:02 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has hit Optus, Telstra, and TPG with a total of $33.5 million in penalties for misleading thousands of NBN customers into paying for internet speeds that could not be achieved.

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Court urged to impose $15M penalty against Telstra over NBN speed claims
Competition & Consumer Protection 2022-11-10 4:44 pm By Sam Matthews

Telstra has agreed to pay a $15 million penalty for misleading thousands of NBN customers about internet plan speeds, a sum which will bring the telcoā€™s bill for consumer law violations since 2018 up to $75 million, if approved.

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