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Qantas engineers appeal COVID-19 stand down win for airline
Employment 2020-11-06 2:10 pm By Christine Caulfield

Aircraft engineers for Qantas are challenging a ruling that the airline had no “genuine choice” when it stood them down in March during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Qantas appeals court’s finding that it misapplied JobKeeper
Appeals 2020-10-15 11:27 am By Cat Fredenburgh

Qantas Airways will challenge a court’s finding that it incorrectly applied the JobKeeper scheme and underpaid its staff.

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Qantas had no choice but to stand down engineers during COVID-19 pandemic, court says
COVID-19 2020-10-06 4:36 pm By Miklos Bolza

Qantas has praised a Federal Court judgment ruling that the airline had no “genuine choice” other than standing down its workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, saying the judgment was a “victory for common sense”.

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Qantas underpaying staff by ‘setting off’ JobKeeper payments, court finds
Employment 2020-09-24 6:47 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Federal Court has provided clarification as to how the Morrison government’s JobKeeper scheme operates, in a ruling against Qantas Airways that found the airline had incorrectly applied the scheme and underpaid its staff.

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Common fund orders under attack again in Takata airbags class action
Class Actions 2020-09-16 2:47 pm By Alison Eveleigh

Common fund orders are again under scrutiny in a class action which was at the centre of the High Court’s decision to strike down the orders, with a NSW Supreme Court judge sending back to the appeals court the question of whether the orders can be made at settlement.

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Judge calls for legislative reforms as appeals court transfers Uber class action
Class Actions 2020-09-08 11:34 am By Alison Eveleigh

An appeals court has dealt with complex jurisdiction and limitations issues in transferring one of three class actions against ride sharing giant Uber to another court, with one of the judges saying legislative reforms were needed to deal with the issues.

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Virgin ordered to fly engines to US, as creditors sign off on $3.5B sale to Bain
Restructuring & Insolvency 2020-09-04 7:44 pm By Alison Eveleigh

Virgin Australia has been ordered to return four jet engines to the United States, after a court found the embattled airline and its administrators failed to properly hand over the engines and other equipment to their owners.

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Glencore wins appeal in shipping fee fight with Port of Newcastle
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-08-27 9:41 pm By Alison Eveleigh

Mining giant Glencore has won its appeal over access charges to Port of Newcastle shipping channels used to export coal from the Hunter Valley.

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Transurban hit with class action over ‘unreasonable’ admin fees
Transportation & Infrastructure 2020-08-19 5:48 pm By Alison Eveleigh

Toll road operator Transurban faces a class action alleging it charge Queensland road users “unreasonable” administrative fees on unpaid tolls.

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Ex-Qantas worker tries again to bring discrimination case against Maurice Blackburn
Appeals 2020-08-18 12:15 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A former Qantas customer service manager has appealed a ruling blocking her from pursuing a disability discrimination case against Maurice Blackburn alleging the law firm put pressure on her to settle her workers compensation case against the airline.

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