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Passenger sues Virgin Australia over bumpy landing
Competition & Consumer Protection 2018-05-28 9:18 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A 64-year-old woman has sued Virgin Australia over injuries allegedly sustained as a result of a bumpy landing on a domestic flight.

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Corrs Chambers joins Ford class action amid Bannister’s funder feud
Class Actions 2018-05-23 10:18 pm By Christine Caulfield

Three weeks after a court heard Bannister Law could be forced off a massive class action against Ford, Corrs Chambers Westgarth has joined the case to jointly act for the lead applicants.

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TWU can’t stall $270k penalty for lax record keeping
Employment 2018-05-21 11:46 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Transport Workers Union has lost its bid for a stay of a court order that it pay a $270,000 penalty for allegedly keeping almost 21,000 lapsed members on its register and failing to keep copies of records. 

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ACCC flags concerns over Transurban bid for WestConnex
Competition & Consumer Protection 2018-05-17 1:13 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has raised concerns that the proposed $2 billion acquisition of Sydney toll road WestConnex by toll road operator Transurban may stymie competition for toll road projects in Australia. 

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Aerocare loses Federal Court appeal over workplace agreement
Employment 2018-05-16 3:52 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Full Federal Court on Tuesday dismissed an appeal by aviation services company Aerocare of a ruling rejecting an enterprise agreement the Transport Workers Union called “substandard”.

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Toyota alerted to problems with Takata airbags in 2003, court filings show
Class Actions 2018-05-09 10:17 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Toyota was on notice about problems with Takata airbags 15 years ago, after a Takata inflator ruptured at one of the car maker’s testing facilities, according to new claims in a class action.

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Employment action against Airservices stalls over scope of class
Employment 2018-05-08 8:48 pm By Miklos Bolza

Just who is entitled to join a Fair Work action against Airservices Australia is still up in the air, a court heard Tuesday, with lawyers clashing over the scope of the employee class five months after the case was filed.

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Judge prods VW to name employees who OKd emissions cheat software
Competition & Consumer Protection 2018-05-08 4:23 pm By Miklos Bolza

Volkswagen has been ordered for a third time to provide the court with the names of employees who were involved in approving the emissions cheat software that’s at the center of litigation by Australia’s consumer regulator and several class actions against the German car maker.

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Former VW chief charged over diesel emissions scandal
Class Actions 2018-05-04 11:53 pm By Christine Caulfield

A former Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn has been charged in the US with conspiracy and fraud over the car maker’s long-running scam to cheat emissions tests, two months after VW faced trial in Australia over dieselgate.

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Air New Zealand to face the music in cartel case
Competition & Consumer Protection 2018-05-03 9:42 pm By Miklos Bolza

The long awaited second phase in the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s cartel proceedings against Air New Zealand has been set down for June 27, one year after the High Court ruled the airline had breached Australia’s competition law.

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