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$16M settlement reached in Walla Walla tip fire class action
Class Actions 2020-04-06 11:18 am By Cat Fredenburgh

A NSW council has agreed to fork over $16 million to settle a class action over a 2009 rubbish tip fire, after the High Court declined to hear the council’s challenge to a ruling that found it was responsible for the damage caused by the fire.

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Court rules international passengers can join Scenic Tours class action
Class Actions 2020-03-09 10:41 am By Cat Fredenburgh

International passengers from five countries have been given the go-ahead to join a class action alleging travel agency Scenic Tours owes damages to European cruise passengers forced to take buses when heavy rain flooded waterways to include.

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In new class action defence, Scenic Tours says passengers can’t rely on it to control weather
Class Actions 2019-09-18 3:16 pm By Miklos Bolza

A class action alleging travel agency Scenic Tours owes damages to European cruise passengers forced to take buses when heavy rain flooded waterways is still proceeding despite an impending High Court appeal, with the tour company now seeking to argue in an amended defence that class members could not reasonably rely on it to control water levels.

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High Court rejects council’s appeal bid in Walla Walla tip fire class action
Appeals 2019-09-13 10:32 pm By Christine Caulfield

The High Court has cleared the way for victims of a rubbish tip fire that tore through 17,000 acres of farmland in the NSW Riverina to claim more than $20 million in damages in a class action, after rejecting an appeal bid by the local council.

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Appeals court revives $20M tip fire class action against NSW council
Class Actions 2019-04-23 3:07 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

An appeals court has revived a class action against a NSW council over loss and damage resulting from a 2009 tip rubbish fire, and awarded the lead applicant over $100,000 in damages.

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Midland Metals loses challenge to ‘deceptive’ letters by cable makers group
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-04-17 2:39 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Singapore-based cable manufacturer Midland Metals has lost its appeal of a  judgment that found the Australian Cablemakers Association did not violate the consumer laws when it sent letters to several Ministers complaining that an electrical cable supplied by Midland was unsafe.

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Judge not too old to hear banned doctor’s case, court says
Appeals 2019-03-22 10:02 pm By Miklos Bolza

An appeals court has dismissed a banned medical doctor’s challenge to the granting of three vexatious proceedings orders on constitutional grounds that the judge who made the orders was too old.

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Appeals court tosses challenge to Allianz Stadium demolition
Construction 2019-03-15 9:54 pm By Miklos Bolza

A Sydney community group has lost a last-minute challenge to the demolition of Allianz Stadium, with the Court of Appeal throwing the case out in a unanimous decision.

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United Petroleum loses $2M award over compulsory land acquisition
Construction 2019-03-06 5:38 pm By Miklos Bolza

An appeals court has overturned a ruling awarding $2 million in compensation to United Petroleum after the state government compulsorily acquired land on which the petrol retailer operated a service station and restaurant.

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