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High Court questions power to hold class action contests
Class Actions 2020-11-11 11:57 pm By Christine Caulfield

That a first filed case should be the presumptive winner in a competition between class actions seemed a losing argument before the High Court on Tuesday as the justices weighed a challenge to a ruling picking one among a group of class actions against AMP, but the court also appeared skeptical of the power to hold wide ranging inquiries into the merits of competing cases.

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Class action beauty parade takes centre stage at High Court
Class Actions 2020-11-09 10:56 pm By Christine Caulfield

The eyes of class action lawyers will be on the High Court Tuesday as it hears arguments over a judge’s power to choose a single class action among competing proceedings and what, if anything, should be made of a case’s funding structure and likely returns to group members when picking a winner.

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Judge won’t stall opt out notice in AMP class action
Class Actions 2020-08-26 3:41 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A court has given the green light for opt out and registration notices to be sent to group members in a shareholder class action against AMP, despite objections by the lead plaintiff in a competing class action.

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‘An immediate conflict of interest’: Appeals court tosses opt out notices in AMP class action
Appeals 2020-06-04 3:57 pm By Miklos Bolza

An appeals court has vacated orders sending opt out and registration notices to shareholders in a class action against AMP after a successful challenge by the lead plaintiff in a competing class action that was stayed after a high-profile litigation beauty parade last year.

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‘Threat of a heavy sanction’: Shareholder slams opt-out notice in AMP class action
Appeals 2020-05-25 8:15 pm By Miklos Bolza

A proposed notice to eligible group members in Maurice Blackburn’s class action against AMP over its fees for no services scandal threatened to bar unregistered shareholders from any settlement stemming from mediation in the case, a threat barred by a recent ruling finding that courts have no power to close class actions to signed up group members, an appeals court has heard.

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Bianca Rinehart signals appeal in family feud over $4B trust
Energy & Natural Resources 2020-05-13 2:45 pm By Alison Eveleigh

The daughter of Australia’s richest person, Gina Rinehart, has signalled an intention to appeal a decision staying proceedings against her mother for allegedly oppressive conduct in relation to the $4 billion family trust.

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Shareholder appeals judge’s refusal to freeze AMP class action
Class Actions 2020-05-11 6:29 pm By Miklos Bolza

A NSW Supreme Court decision refusing to put a Maurice Blackburn-led shareholder class action against AMP on ice pending a High Court challenge has been appealed by the lead applicant of a competing case.

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Court won’t freeze AMP class action amid High Court appeal
Appeals 2020-05-08 5:31 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has declined to put a Maurice Blackburn-led class action against AMP on hold while the High Court decides whether to overturn a ruling awarding the firm carriage of the matter following a high-stakes battle against three other law firms.

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High Court may pick apart choice of Maurice Blackburn in AMP class action contest
Analysis 2020-04-21 11:00 pm By Christine Caulfield

The power of courts to choose a single winner from a contest of competing class actions is not the likely target of the High Court in taking up a challenge to last year’s beauty parade of shareholder proceedings against AMP, but the analysis behind the decision to award Maurice Blackburn the prize could face scrutiny, experts say.

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High Court takes up challenge to AMP class action beauty parade
Appeals 2020-04-17 2:15 pm By Christine Caulfield

The High Court has agreed to weigh in on a decision last year to pick Maurice Blackburn’s case as the winner of a beauty parade of shareholder class actions against AMP over the wealth manager’s controversial fees for no service.

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