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Silk settles fight with Telstra over email bounce-backs
Telecommunications 2025-02-10 11:43 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A senior barrister has reached a settlement with Telstra in his suit alleging the telco flagged his emails to Bigpond addresses as spam and failed to send them. In a suit filed in July in the Federal Circuit and Family Court, Brisbane-based silk Anthony Morris KC alleged that since an unknown date, estimated to be…

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Silk’s case against Telstra over loss of chambers’ phone numbers discontinued
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-08-14 2:10 pm By Christine Caulfield

A senior barrister’s case alleging Telstra falsely promised he could keep his chambers’ phone numbers when switching to the NBN has been discontinued.

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Sacked lawyer told to settle or face complaint to legal watchdog, court hears
Employment 2021-09-10 11:22 pm By Christine Caulfield

A law firm may have exerted unfair or illegitimate pressure on a sacked solicitor when it told her to accept an offer to settle her adverse action case or risk referral to the legal watchdog, a judge has found.

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