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ASIC’s proposed $5M penalty against CBA ‘on the light side’, judge says
Financial Services 2020-06-04 12:33 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has questioned ASIC’s proposed $5 million penalty against the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, saying it was “on the light side” for the bank’s conduct in overcharging $8 million in fees on its agricultural products.

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Government’s $721M Robodebt refund ignores damages claims, class action lawyer says
Class Actions 2020-05-29 8:31 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Morrison Government will refund Centrelink recipients $721 million in debts paid as part of the controversial Robodebt scheme at the centre of a class action, a move lawyers for the class called an “unprecedented admission”.

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Spotless pays $95M to settle shareholder class action
Class Actions 2020-05-22 10:44 am By Alison Eveleigh

A $95 million settlement has been reached in a shareholder class action against facility services company Spotless Group, the largest settlement in a shareholder class action in two years.

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J&J won’t ask judge to recuse himself from pelvic mesh appeal
Appeals 2020-05-15 6:09 pm By Miklos Bolza

Medical device giant Johnson & Johnson has confirmed it will not seek the recusal of a Federal Court judge from a panel overseeing its pelvic mesh class action appeal, despite earlier raising concerns that he had seen privileged settlement communications.

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In a first, judge says High Court dealt CFOs a total knockout
Class Actions 2020-05-14 6:08 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has found that the High Court’s landmark ruling last year blocking common fund orders in the early stages of a class action also barred them from being made at the conclusion of a proceeding, departing from several recent rulings on common fund orders.

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Judges pan lawyers for ‘disgraceful’ treatment of family shut out of Malaysia Airlines class action
Appeals 2020-05-12 9:40 pm By Alison Eveleigh

The Full Federal Court has slammed as “disgraceful” the handling of a class action claim by the family of an Australian national who was killed aboard Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, as the family appeals a decision that blocked them from participating in the settlement of the proceedings.

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Early common fund order in stolen wages class action ‘greatly enhanced’ access to justice, judge says
Class Actions 2020-05-08 6:02 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A common fund order made at the outset of a class action against the state of Queensland over stolen wages opened the historic $190 million settlement up to “thousands more” disadvantaged people who were affected by the state government’s “discriminatory, unjust…and disgraceful” policies, a judge has said.

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First common fund order granted in the wake of High Court ruling
Class Actions 2020-05-06 1:51 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A judge has made a common fund order in approving a $3 million settlement in a class action against mortgage lending and investment company RMBL, the first common fund order granted since the High Court shot down these orders in the early stages of class actions.

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Judges’ schedules to be cleared as court expedites Johnson & Johnson pelvic mesh appeal
Appeals 2020-05-01 4:34 pm By Miklos Bolza

The top judge of the Federal Court plans to clear the schedules of three judges at the start of next year so they can hear and decide Johnson & Johnson’s challenge of a class action ruling that found its pelvic mesh devices were defective and awarded the lead applicants $2.6 million in damages.

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Domino’s Pizza delivered date to strike out class action claims
Class Actions 2020-04-29 2:28 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A date has been set in Domino’s bid to strike out parts of the statement of claim in a class action alleging franchisees underpaid thousands of workers across Australia for five years.

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