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Judge warns funder against turning Hays class action settlement into a ‘circus’
Class Actions 2024-03-08 9:35 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge will allow the erstwhile funder of a settled underpayments class action against recruitment agency Hays to argue it should be allowed to recover against group members who signed a funding agreement several years ago, but said the claim was “not worth spending a vast amount of money on” and warned the funder against turning the case into a “circus”.

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Recruitment agency Hays settles employment class action
Employment 2024-03-07 11:57 pm By Christine Caulfield

Labour hire company Hays Specialist Recruitment has agreed to pay up to $1.325 million to settle an employment class action on behalf of coal miners that has been on foot for five years.

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ASIC wins appeal over funeral insurer’s ‘Aboriginal-owned’ representations
Appeals 2024-02-29 11:18 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Full Federal Court has found it was “abundantly clear” on the evidence before a trial judge that funeral expenses insurance provider ACBG misrepresented to Aboriginal customers that it was Aboriginal owned or managed, but found ASIC contributed to the error with its bad pleadings.

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Appeal dropped in first junior doctors class action to go to trial
Class Actions 2024-02-28 11:31 pm By Christine Caulfield

Victoria’s Peninsula Health has abandoned an appeal of a ruling in a class action that found it breached workplace laws by failing to pay overtime to a junior doctor, a capitulation that could be a game changer for a series of class actions against health care providers.

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Victoria’s approach to carriage fights better than Federal Court, says judge
Class Actions 2024-02-27 5:22 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge overseeing an appeal in a carriage dispute in a class action against Jaguar Land Rover over allegedly defective diesel filters has said he prefers the approach of the Supreme Court of Victoria to such fights, saying firms should not revise their bids multiple times.

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7-Eleven class action funder’s $12M cut seemed ‘plainly too little’, says appeals judge
Appeals 2024-02-23 4:21 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge hearing an appeal by a funder over its cut of a $98 million settlement in franchisee class actions against 7-Eleven has said the $12 million commission was “plainly too little”, and questioned if the class action judge had been “stuck” on the idea that common fund orders are bad. 

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‘Not something we could ever agree to’: Applicant fights soft class closure in AMP case
Class Actions 2024-02-16 3:26 pm By Sam Matthews

The applicant in a class action against four AMP subsidiaries and two trustees over alleged excessive superannuation fees has flagged its opposition to soft class closure, saying it would be “completely inappropriate” to require the large class of up to two million group members to register ahead of mediation. 

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Judge discontinues council class action against insurer JLT, won’t pause clock
Class Actions 2024-01-22 11:51 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has discontinued a class action by Victorian councils against insurer JLT Risk Solutions, but has departed from the decisions of two other judges by ruling the suspension of the time limit for bringing the councils’ claims will immediately be lifted. 

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The things that raised judges’ ire in 2023
Courts 2024-01-17 11:54 pm By Sam Matthews

Judges were not afraid to vent their spleen in 2023, but lawyers were not the only object of judicial scorn last year, as judges waded into public discourse and sounded off over issues including complex legislation, media reports, famous social media commentators, and the involvement of government departments in legal proceedings. 

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Court slashes law firm’s costs in Aveo class action settlement
Class Actions 2024-01-05 11:24 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has cut law firm Levitt Robinson’s costs in a class action against retirement village provider Aveo, finding the solicitors were “seriously derelict” in serving their evidence on loss and ran up over $1 million in avoidable costs.

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