The liquidators for landbanking company Aviation 3030 can recover half of a $3.4 million landholder duty from a former director, after a judge found they reaped benefits from indirect ownership in land sold for $135 million in 2018.
Budget supermarket Aldi has won its appeal of a tribunal decision which found that upper limits on rental increases fell afoul of the Retail Leases Act.
The Australian Grand Prix Corporation will pay $2.84 million in damages for losses incurred by concert organisers for the cancellation of the 2020 Melbourne Formula One cup and a related Robbie Williams concert during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Atomos’ former US-based CEO — who was fired after she failed to relocate to Melbourne — has lost her fight to stay the video technology company’s lawsuit, with a judge finding the dispute over a bridging loan for the international move should be decided under Australian law.
The son of controversial class action lawyer Mark Elliott has hired a big gun barrister to represent him in the Banksia class action proceedings and will be asking the judge overseeing the case against him to step aside.
Barrister Norman O’Bryan SC has abandoned his defence of misconduct allegations stemming from the Banksia Securities class action and expressed contrition to the court for his actions.
Two barristers facing professional misconduct allegations in relation to the Banksia securities class action submitted more than $2.65 million in legal bills without documentation more than five years after the class action was filed and may have done so at the behest of funder Mark Elliott, a court has heard.
Two investors in failed Great Southern Group managed investment schemes have lost their latest appeal over a controversial class action settlement deed that allowed Bendigo and Adelaide Bank to enforce loans issued to fund their investments. But a third borrower, who denied he was a member of the class action, has been given the greenlight to defend the bank’s recovery proceedings.
An appeals court has upheld a ruling that found two firms previously run by Joseph “Diamond Joe” Gutnik and his family were insolvent, ending a long-running battle over hundreds of millions of dollars in mining assets.
A judge overseeing a settled class action against failed Banksia Securities has rejected an application to limit a contradictor’s investigation of alleged professional misconduct on the part of the legal team and funder behind the case, saying he was satisfied there was a proper basis for the allegations.