HWL Ebsworth has lost a discovery spat in a case by clients who allege the firm and one of its former partners are liable for “lost money” in connection with property developer Belmore 88.
A former EY partner accused of pocketing $700,000 in secret commissions as part of a tax loss scheme has invoked privilege against exposure to penalty in a client’s suit.
A judge overseeing a dispute over an employer’s confidential information has urged litigants to remember their legal costs at an early stage of settlement negotiations, rather than leaving it to the court as the “default option”.
PricewaterhouseCoopers is facing a lawsuit by the executor of a deceased estate alleging the accounting firm gave negligent advice and acted with a conflict of interest while advising on tax liabilities for the deceased’s $100 million in assets.
A judge has ordered the estate of Giovanna Toppi to pay money owing to a landlord under a $1.1 million loan after refusing to find the iconic Sydney restaurateur was the victim of wrongdoing by her daughter, Paola.
An inquiry into whether Christian Porter is a fit and proper person to serve as Attorney-General following allegations that he raped a teenage girl more than 30 years ago would “advance” the rule of law, a NSW Supreme Court judge has said.
The High Court’s abolition of the so-called Chorley exception does not apply to a party’s in-house counsel, which is still permitted to seek its own legal costs for prosecuting or defending a proceeding, a judge has found.
Gilbert + Tobin is seeking to shut down a lawsuit brought by a firm owned by Sydney business owners Charif and Tarek Kazal after the Federal Court gave the company one last chance to fix what a judge called the “simply incomprehensible” pleadings.
A judge has given Sydney businessman Charif Kazal a third and final opportunity to replead his “simply incomprehensible” case against Gilbert + Tobin over the law firm’s involvement in a business dispute concerning a lucrative waste facility, despite saying it took “an entire week to understand the arcane obscurities” of the pleading.