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Scotsburn bushfire class action settles for $10.5M
Class Actions 2020-05-13 9:07 pm By Miklos Bolza

A class action launched over the Scotsburn bushfire that burnt down 12 homes and ravaged over 4,000 hectares in Victoria in December 2015 has reached a $10.5 million settlement with agricultural machinery company Agrison and insurer Auto & General Insurance Company.

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Judge says cost agreement void, but approves $2M payday for Maddens in bushfire class action
Class Actions 2020-03-03 11:39 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has signed off on a $2 million payout for Maddens Lawyers in a class action against electricity provider Powercor over a 2018 St Patrick’s Day bushfire in Victoria that settled last year for $17.5 million, despite finding that the law firm’s cost agreement with group members was void.

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Judge approves walkaway settlement in St Patrick’s Day bushfire class action
Class Actions 2019-08-06 6:50 pm By Amelia Birnie

A judge has signed off on the walkaway settlement reached in one of four St Patrick’s Day bushfire class actions filed by Maddens Lawyers, noting that the plaintiff faced a “very real risk of not succeeding” in some of its primary claims.

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