Liberal MP Christian Porter has asked a court to ensure Nine and News Corp. do not use secret portions of ABC’s defence to his defamation allegations, which the media giants accessed as intervenors in the former federal Attorney-General’s case.
The Federal Court has dealt US drug giant Merck Sharp & Dohme a devastating blow, overturning an “untenable” patent term extension which would have protected the monopoly of its multibillion-dollar Januvia and Janumet diabetes drugs beyond July 2o22.
The Full Federal Court took a “radical” and unorthodox approach with far-reaching consequences by keeping Apple’s competition dispute with Fortnite game maker Epic Games in Australia, the Silicon Valley giant has told the High Court.
Pharmaceutical giant Bristol-Myers Squibb will fight a case brought by Merck Sharp & Dohme alleging misuse of market power over stage IV melanoma treatments, telling the Federal Court on Friday it denied its rival’s claims.
Former Attorney-General Christian Porter has succeeded in scrubbing from the court record the ABC’s full defence in his now-settled defamation suit against the broadcaster, over the protests of media outlets, with a judge finding the principle of open justice was “not absolute”.
Confidential portions of the ABC’s defence in the former Attorney-General Christian Porter’s defamation case can be disclosed to the South Australian State Coroner as part of his investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of Porter’s alleged rape victim.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has appealed a judge’s decision throwing out its competition case over an agreement for the privatisation of two NSW ports, calling the case “a matter of significance for the Australian economy”.
The ACCC’s claim that NSW Ports stymied competition when it signed a 50-year agreement with the state to be compensated if the Port of Newcastle built a container terminal was based on “mere speculative hopes”, a judge found in tossing the competition watchdog’s regulatory action.
Global mine technology company Minetek is considering a lawsuit against a former employee who may have unlawfully used confidential company information, a court has heard.
Apple plans to appeal the Full Federal Court’s decision that Epic Games’ misuse of market power lawsuit over it App Store terms should be heard in Australia because the case raises issues of “fundamental public interest”.