Property developer Thirdi has rejected the claims of a class action brought by the owners of lots in an allegedly shoddy townhouse development in Sydney, and has filed a cross-claim seeking an indemnity from its builder.
A judge has signed off on a class action settlement under which the Commonwealth Bank of Australia will pay a sum towards the applicant’s costs but group members will recover nothing.
Grocon has lost yet another argument over documents in its lawsuit against Infrastructure NSW over a stalled $2 billion Central Barangaroo development project, with a judge rejecting its bid to access material over which the government agency claimed privilege and public interest immunity.
Group members will walk away with nothing under a settlement in a seven-year old class action against the Commonwealth Bank of Australia on behalf of borrowers who claimed they were forced to default on their commercial loans.
A new law firm has taken over from Quinn Emanuel in a class action against Transport for NSW over the alleged fraudulent acquisition of land to construct the $16 billion Westconnex tunnel in Sydney, after the mystery funder that’s backing the case lost its bid to avoid security.
A protracted class action against the Commonwealth Bank of Australia brought by borrowers who claimed they were forced to default on their commercial loans has finally settled, a court has heard.
Network Ten is pushing to transfer proceedings by TV presenter Lisa Wilkinson for coverage of her legal bill in a defamation case by accused rapist Bruce Lehrmann to the court hearing the former Liberal staffer’s case.
A judge overseeing a class action by the owners of lots in a townhouse development in the Sydney suburb of Alexandria has rejected an application for security for costs, noting the case has been brought by individuals who stand to lose their properties if they fail to pay costs.
Grocon has taken another hit in its $270 million lawsuit against Infrastructure NSW over a stalled $2 billion Central Barangaroo development project, with a judge rejecting its claim of privilege over more than 15,000 documents.
Ten has questioned whether presenter Lisa Wilkinson should have separate representation in defending a defamation case by accused rapist Bruce Lehrmann, as it responds to a dispute over a promise to cover her legal bill.