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High Court asked to find India can’t dodge $111.3M arbitral award
Arbitration 2025-02-28 11:00 pm By Andy Sidler

The High Court has been asked to overturn a ruling that found India was immune from a suit seeking to enforce a $111.3 million arbitral award because it did not involve a ‘commercial’ matter.

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India wins foreign state immunity appeal in fight over $111.3M arbitral award
Arbitration 2025-01-31 10:32 pm By Sam Matthews

The government of India has overturned a finding that it couldnā€™t dodge a $111.3 million arbitral award in a dispute with three Mauritian companies, with an appeals court finding it did not waive foreign state immunity in the case. Ā 

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Acciona loses bid to transfer suit over $511M waste-to-energy plant
Construction 2024-12-06 11:40 pm By Andy Sidler

Spanish infrastructure giant Acciona has lost its bid to transfer a dispute over a $511 million waste-to-energy facility in East Rockingham, with a judge finding no overlap with another matter in the Federal Court.Ā 

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Ultimate Fighting Championship gym exec not on the hook for $5M judgment
Franchises 2024-11-21 11:43 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Full Court has found an executive at the company behind the Ultimate Fighting Championship gym franchise should not be on the hook for a $5 million judgment awarded to three franchisees.

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Spain loses appeal over security after refusing to pay $200M judgment
Scott Robertson 2024-09-02 2:01 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Kingdom of Spain must pay $56,000 in security to bring its challenge in a long-running dispute over whether it must pay a $200 million arbitral award to two renewable energy investors.Ā 

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Austin Engineering to expand case against rival in spat over employee who jumped ship
Intellectual Property 2024-09-02 11:35 pm By Andy Sidler

A judge has found ASX-traded mining equipment manufacturer Austin Engineering can use documents disclosed in its case against rival Schlam over a former employee’s alleged leak of confidential business information to expand its claims.

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Acciona must deliver bank guarantees for $511M waste-to-energy plant
Energy & Natural Resources 2024-08-14 1:57 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has ruled that Acciona must deliver $38.6 million in bank guarantees to the entity in charge of a $511 million waste-to-energy plant in Western Australia, despite allegations of insolvency levelled by the Spanish infrastructure giant.

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Full Court revives defamation case over A Current Affair episode
Defamation 2024-07-31 11:01 pm By Sam Matthews

The Full Federal Court has revived an out-of-time defamation case over an episode of A Current Affair, finding that it would not have been reasonable to file the proceedings within a year given the ā€œspectre of criminal proceedingsā€ against Queensland man Geoffrey Landrey.

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Griffin Coal receivers dodge misconduct investigation over coal supply agreements
Energy & Natural Resources 2024-06-11 10:33 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The owner of a major coal power station in Western Australia has lost its bid for an inquiry into alleged misconduct by the receivers of collapsed Griffin Coal after they tried to avoid obligations under coal supply agreements, with a judge saying the allegations were “relatively trivial”.Ā 

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Court orders winding up of investment firm Ascent amid Ponzi scheme claims
Restructuring & Insolvency 2023-04-24 2:54 pm By Sam Matthews

A court has wound up Ascent Investment and Coaching, after ASIC filed proceedings against the company and director Michael Dunjey over concerns that investor funds may have been improperly dealt with.

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