A judge hearing a suit against Lovisa has questioned whether it should proceed as a class action, but shut down a ‘pejorative remark’ by the jewellery chain’s barrister about Fair Work class actions.
An appeal by a family-owned Adelaide deli in a trade mark fight with an Italian food hall in Melbourne has fallen flat.
A judge has thrown out X’s challenge to a compliance notice issued by the eSafety Commissioner to its corporate predecessor Twitter over child sexual abuse monitoring on its platform.
Dentons and Australian chair Doug Stipanicev have hit back at allegations by a former property partner that they breached workplace laws, saying the partner is barred from bringing his case.
A judge on Thursday queried counsel for Dentons on the law firm’s defence to claims by an ex-partner that Australian chair and CEO Doug Stipanicev initiated a search for evidence of misconduct.
Dentons Australia chair and CEO Doug Stipanicev has hit back at claims made in a lawsuit by a former partner over an article he shared that spewed anti-vaccine conspiracy theories.
Dentons is facing a lawsuit by a former partner who alleges the law firm’s Australian chair emailed him a conspiracy-laden anti-vaccine pamphlet.
X Corp claims it is not answerable to a compliance notice the eSafety Commissioner issued to Twitter concerning its monitoring of child sexual abuse on its platform, telling the court there’s a “lively dispute” about the effect of the company’s acquisition by Elon Musk.
An underpayments class action against Sydney Trains has flagged an application to exclude unregistered group members from any settlement, as the High Court steps in to resolve an appellate court split on the power to make class closure orders.
As the Fair Work Commission takes its plan to appoint an administrator to the construction division of the CFMEU to court, a judge has recused himself from hearing the case after acting against the union while at the bar.