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Peter Dutton takes ‘rape apologist’ defamation case to High Court
Defamation 2022-06-20 10:24 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Opposition leader Peter Dutton has asked the High Court to overturn an appeals court judgment that found a tweet labelling him a “rape apologist” was not defamatory.

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Sims settles shareholder class action for $29.5M
Class Actions 2022-06-10 9:43 am By Christine Caulfield

Recycling company Sims Limited will pay $29.5 million to settle a shareholder class action alleging earnings guidance for FY16 failed to account for the likely prospect of falling scrap metal prices.

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Funder sells interest in combustible cladding class actions for $20M
Class Actions 2022-05-30 9:36 pm By Christine Caulfield

The litigation funder backing two combustible cladding class actions has sold a third of its investment in the cases to a player in the nascent secondary market for class action financing.

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Man suing judge for unlawful imprisonment blasts ‘hopeless’ defence
Trials 2022-05-24 8:13 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The state of Queensland has brought a “hopeless” defence in a $2.5 million suit alleging a Federal Circuit judge unlawfully imprisoned a Queensland man for contempt after he failed to comply with an order for particulars, a court has heard.

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No hard time limit on criminal charges against ME Bank, prosecutors say
Financial Services 2022-05-18 1:09 pm By Christine Caulfield

Challenging a ruling that tossed half the charges brought against direct bank Members Equity, prosecutors have told an appeals court the ASIC Act does not impose a strict deadline for bringing a criminal case of misleading or deceptive conduct.

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Court overturns Peter Dutton’s win in defamation case over ‘rape apologist’ tweet
Defamation 2022-05-17 11:17 am By Christine Caulfield

An appeals court has set aside a judgment awarding federal minister Peter Dutton $35,000 in his defamation case over a tweet by a refugee activist labelling him a “rape apologist”.

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Ben Roberts-Smith can’t cross examine wife over confidential emails
Trials 2022-05-16 2:51 pm By Sam Matthews

Ben Roberts-Smith, who is suing Fairfax for defamation, has lost an appeal of a judge’s decision refusing cross-examination of his ex-wife over allegations she accessed his private emails.

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Peter Dutton says ‘mental gymnastics’ needed for activist’s reading of ‘rape apologist’ tweet
Defamation 2022-05-03 3:59 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Counsel for Peter Dutton has told a court a reader needed to do “mental gymnastics” to understand activist Shane Bazzi’s “rape apologist” tweet as saying the minister doubted rape allegations rather than “excused” the act of rape.

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Deep sleep therapy case re-awakened as Full Court grants appeal
Defamation 2022-04-29 10:19 am By Cindy Cameronne

Two psychiatrists who administered the controversial deep sleep therapy at the Chelmsford Private Hospital in the 1970s have won a Full Federal Court appeal in their defamation cases against publisher HarperCollins, with one of the cases being sent back for a re-trial.

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Nine doubles down on claim that barrister exploited celebrity cavoodle for financial gain
Defamation 2022-04-28 5:14 pm By Sam Matthews

Nine claims that any harm a Sydney barrister suffered from its allegedly defamatory coverage of her battle for custody of Oscar the cavoodle was mitigated by the truth of the imputation that she exploited the famed social media pooch for her benefit.

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