Tens of thousands of Ford cars which contain an allegedly defective transmission system are âlemonsâ, a court heard on day one of a six-week hearing in a long-running class action against the car maker.
The Full Federal Court has dismissed BPâs appeal of a ruling by the Fair Work Commission that reinstated a worker who was fired for sharing a video clip that included subtitles placed over a scene from the movie ‘Downfall’ about Adolf Hitler.
The ACCC has lost its bid to stay a cartel appeal by Indonesian airline PT Garuda, with a judge finding the competition watchdog had not shown the airline acted in contempt of court by failing to pay a $19 million fine.
A judge has scrapped overly-long written submissions by barristers in proceedings brought by two CFMEU whistleblowers and replaced them with an extra day of oral submissions at the end of the hearing, saying he was not duped by the “old game” of shrinking margins and fonts in submissions.
Personal healthcare giant PZ Cussons has lost its bid for indemnity costs against the ACCC, after claiming that the regulator was “doomed to fail” when it appealed a judgment dismissing its case over an alleged laundry detergent cartel.
The ACCC has come up short in its appeal of a ruling that dismissed its challenge to Pacific National $205 million acquisition of Aurizon’s Acacia Ridge Terminal in Queensland, with the Full Federal Court also releasing Pacific National from an undertaking given to the court.
Chinese-based witnesses for Hytera may be able to travel to Hong Kong for cross-examination in a now rescheduled copyright trial between Motorola and Hytera, after Chinese law and the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis forced the court to vacate the hearing, initially due to start this week.
A judge has vacated the next stage of an intellectual property fight between Motorola and Hytera Communications because of laws prohibiting witnesses located in China from giving unauthorised evidence via videolink, rejecting a “highly experimental procedural remedy” proposed by Motorola.
A judge has found that an Oregon electronic music duo “flagrantly” copied the 1977 disco hit ‘Love is in the Air’ but has rejected most claims for damages because the copyright holder of the song sued for each streaming and download of the song, rather than for the creation of the infringing work.
A court has upheld two decisions by the Australian Government Takeovers Panel that a bid by asset manager Aurora Funds Management to replace Molopo Energy’s directors was made in “unacceptable circumstances”.