The Council for the Law Society of NSW can seek disciplinary findings against a solicitor who was previously banned over social media posts encouraging people to flout COVID-19 mandates and representing that a judge condoned rape and murder.
With customary wit the top judge of NSW has sent off Justice Robert Beech-Jones to take his seat on the High Court, observing the value of his colleague’s criminal law experience and the lamentable drop in that bench’s “sartorial standards” with his elevation.
The legal community has welcomed the appointment of Justice Stephen Gageler to be the 14th chief justice of the High Court, praising the judge for his “deep humanity” and unmatchable expertise in constitutional law.
The legal sector has welcomed NSW Supreme Court Justice Robert Beech-Jonesâ elevation to the highest court in Australia, with former colleagues noting his legal acumen and generosity.
Willis Australia has won an appeal against its landlord, AMP Capital, with a court ruling the insurance broker is entitled to withdraw notice it gave in December 2019 to renew its office lease.Â
A judge overseeing a class action by family members and deceased estates of the Northern Territory Stolen Generations, which settled for $50.45 million, has said the case was a “positive example” of representative actions.
As the spotlight on class action costs grows, litigation funders can expect increased judicial scrutiny of their attempts to pass on the cost of after-the-event insurance premiums to class action members.
A judge has approved a $50.45 million settlement in a class action by family members and deceased estates of the Northern Territory Stolen Generations. He has also approved a 13 per cent funding commission by way of a common fund order, saying debates about CFOs had become âlost in the labelâ.
Dam services provider Sunwater has asked the High Court to take its side in a dispute over insurance coverage for a $440 million class action settlement with victims of the 2010-2011 floods in Queensland.
The High Court has granted special leave to Irish insurer Zurich to challenge a decision allowing a class action over an allegedly defective New Zealand apartment block to proceed in the NSW Supreme Court.