A trans woman who won her discrimination case against the Giggle for Girls app and its CEO Sal Grover has launched a cross-appeal against the landmark decision.
The ACT government has lost its bid for the dismissal of a class action lodged by social housing residents who allege they were unlawfully forced to relocate.
The developers of a Brunswick Heads housing estate have the OK to raise a new defence to injunctions sought by an environmental group.
A judge has disqualified himself from presiding over a victimisation case lodged by Queensland senator Pauline Hanson against former colleague Brian Burston.
Female-only app Giggle for Girls has appealed a ruling that found it discriminated against a trans woman by barring her from the app.
Private equity firm Alceon and a vendor have been hit with $3 million damages over the misleading sale of a Queensland shopping centre for $55 million.
BlueScope Steel is seeking to overturn a record $57.5 million penalty for engaging in attempted price-fixing with flat steel distributors, telling an appeals court that it was simply trying to make its competitors understand āit was in their interests to price differentlyā.Ā
A PricewaterhouseCoopers partner has reached a settlement in a case alleging she was involved in a $3.3 million scheme to defraud her husband’s employer.
In a test of Julia Gillard-era amendments to the Sex Discrimination Act guarding against discrimination on the basis of gender identity, the Federal Court has ruled that a trans-exclusionary social media app, Giggle for Girls, was unlawfully discriminatory.
A judge has granted a limited stay of an injunction against US sports merchandise Fanatics after AFL merchandise maker FanFirm won its case alleging the US company knew about its āFanaticsā trade marks.