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Daily Mail ‘set up’ sports journalist Erin Molan and sparked public firestorm, court hears
Defamation 2020-10-16 12:42 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Daily Mail’s concerted campaign against Erin Molan was a set-up that damaged her reputation and sparked a public “firestorm” against the Nine sports reporter, the Federal Court has heard.

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Daily Mail says Erin Molan has history of ‘objectively racist’ conduct
Defamation 2020-10-14 12:31 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Daily Mail has fired back at a defamation lawsuit by sports broadcaster Erin Molan alleging its coverage of a remark she made during Nine’s Continuous Call radio program implied she was a racist, telling the court that Molan has a history of “objectively racist” conduct on air.Ā 

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Michael Kodari can’t overturn $150,000 judgment for sacked bodyguard who sought legal advice
Employment 2020-10-02 3:49 pm By Miklos Bolza

Investment whiz Michael Kodari has lost his appeal of a $151,000 judgment awarded in favour of his former bodyguard, who lost his job — and his company Maserati — after wanting to seek legal advice about a new employment contract.

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Erin Molan says Daily Mail defamed her with story on ‘hooka looka mooka’ remark
Defamation 2020-09-25 6:34 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Sports presenter Erin Molan has fired off a defamation lawsuit over the Daily Mail’s coverage of a remark she made during Nine’s Continuous Call radio program which she claims implied she was a racist who deliberately mocked the names of Pacific Islanders on air.

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Gov’t refuses mediation with James Ashby over $4M legal bill in sex harassment case
Employment 2020-08-21 2:00 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Commonwealth has told a court it will not sit down for mediation talks with One Nation chief-of-staff James Ashby as he seeks to recoup almost $4 million in legal costs spent in a dropped sexual harassment case against former House speaker Peter Slipper.

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Court approves settlement in Santos class action over travel allowances for casuals
Class Actions 2020-07-10 4:58 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A court has signed off on a settlement of a class action brought against oil and gas giant Santos by a group of Indigenous Australians who claimed they were misled about their entitlement to receive certain travel allowances while working as casual cultural heritage monitors for the company.

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Court mulls joint hearing for a2 Milk’s triple trade mark dispute
Intellectual Property 2020-06-24 3:36 pm By Miklos Bolza

Three high stakes lawsuits brought by a2 Milk Company against rival diary producers over the use of a2 as a trade mark may be heard together in early 2021.

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‘The way to do business’: Federal Court judge wants to make virtual case management hearings permanent
Defamation 2020-06-19 12:03 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A Federal Court judge overseeing Papua New Guinean Politician William Dumaā€™s defamation lawsuit against Fairfax Media has said he would like to move case management hearings online permanently, saying the move to virtual courtrooms was one good that had resulted from the coronavirus pandemic.

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ACCC dodges indemnity costs over failed detergent cartel appeal
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-05-06 6:37 pm By Miklos Bolza

Personal healthcare giant PZ Cussons has lost its bid for indemnity costs against the ACCC, after claiming that the regulator was “doomed to fail” when it appealed a judgment dismissing its case over an alleged laundry detergent cartel.

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GSK, Novartis agree to $4.5M penalty for misleading Osteo Gel claims
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-05-04 3:40 pm By Alison Eveleigh

GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis have agreed to a combined penalty of $4.5 million after the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission accused the pharmaceutical giants of making misleading claims in marketing their Voltaren Osteo Gel and Voltaren Emulgel pain relief products.

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