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Moreton wins appeal over R&D tax credits for failed coal gasification project
Article 2019-07-31 3:39 pm By Miklos Bolza

Australian coal miner Moreton Resources has won a Full Federal Court appeal over tax offsets it claims are owed over a failed pilot project testing underground coal gasification, a process which was ultimately banned in Queensland.

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Judge scolds Mills Oakley for ‘regrettable’ arrangement with debt management company
Business of Law 2019-06-19 8:58 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has partly sided with a former Mills Oakley client in his challenge to a costs ruling in a saga over $25,000 in unpaid fees, saying the law firm’s arrangement with a debt management company that kept the client in the dark about the consequences of default was “regrettable”.

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ATO wins appeal over share sale by Cayman Islands-based private equity funds
Tax 2019-04-03 9:07 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

An appeals court has sided with the tax office in a dispute against two corporate limited partnerships formed in the Cayman Islands, finding that ATO tax assessments issued for the sale of shares in global mining company Talison Lithium were valid and correct.

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