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Class action reneges on $18M settlement with Merivale, says deal no longer fair
Employment 2024-05-07 12:27 pm By Christine Caulfield

In a highly unusual move, the applicant in an employment class action against hospitality giant Merivale has reneged on an $18 million settlement, saying a jump in group member registration since the deal was struck means the sum would no longer win court approval.

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Judge OKs $16M Dixon Advisory class action settlement, awards competing funder a sliver
Class Actions 2024-04-18 3:14 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has signed off on a $16 million settlement in a class action against Dixon Advisory, but the funder of a competing case that was stayed after losing a beauty parade has earned a fragment of the $1 million it sought from the resolution sum.

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Damages trial in live export class action to push case into 11th year
Class Actions 2024-04-08 1:10 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A hearing in a class action to determine the extent of lost sales suffered by cattle exporters following a ban on live exports has been set down for April next year, making the case the oldest unresolved class action on the Federal Court docket.

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PwC sued by employee over alleged sexual assault
Employment 2024-04-05 3:30 pm By Cindy Cameronne

PricewaterhouseCoopers has been sued by an employee who alleges the accounting firm is vicariously liable for an alleged sexual assault by a co-worker after an end-of-financial-year work party.

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Funder of failed competing class action wants cut of $16M Dixon Advisory settlement
Class Actions 2024-04-03 4:53 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A funder that bankrolled a class action that was stayed against Dixon Advisory has argued it should receive $969,000 from a $16 million settlement reached in the competing proceedings that went ahead, saying its costs were spent to protect group membersā€™ interests.

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Nature’s Care founders can’t suppress all docs in fight with ATO
Tax 2024-03-20 10:11 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has rejected sweeping suppression orders sought by the founders of vitamin giant Natureā€™s Care over documents in a $200 million tax debt stoush with the Deputy Commissioner of Taxation, instead making limited suppression orders in light of the ā€œseriousā€ allegations made in the case.Ā 

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Merivale to pay $18M in underpayments class action settlement
Class Actions 2024-03-06 4:49 pm By Christine Caulfield

Merivale will fork over $18 million in a proposed settlement to resolve an employment class action against the hospitality giant, of which $8.6 million is sought to be deducted in legal fees and a funder’s commission.

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Funder of failed IP case can’t dodge indemnity costs
Intellectual Property 2024-01-18 5:26 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A litigation funder must pay indemnity costs to CoreLogic after bankrolling a photographerā€™s unsuccessful copyright claim against the property data analytics company, with an appeals court finding it pursued the litigation for its own personal gain.

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Judge stays Billabong founder’s lawsuit against Ernst & Young
Tax 2023-11-20 10:56 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Ernst & Young has won a temporary stay of a lawsuit by Billabong founder Gordon Merchant alleging the firm gave negligent advice on how to structure the 2015 sale of bio plastics manufacturer Plantic Technologies.

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$16M settlement reached in Dixon Advisory class action
Class Actions 2023-11-14 4:27 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Wealth manager E&P Financial Group has agreed to a $16 million settlement in a class action by Dixon Advisory clients who allege they suffered financial loss when the firm and its directors encouraged the purchase of high risk securities.

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