Australian Clinical Labs, which is facing regulatory action over a 2022 data breach, is fighting the information commissioner’s claim that it breached privacy laws 21.5 million times.
Seven has sought a suppression order over former Spotlight reporter Amelia Saw’s workplace claim against the TV network, arguing publicity would impede settlement negotiations.
In a fight over damages owed to sailors in a class action against the Defence Department, a judge has said the Commonwealth can’t argue certain group members failed to mitigate their losses.
United Petroleum and director Ari Silver can wait for the rehearing of a security for costs bid before filing defences to a franchisee class action alleging misleading conduct.
A bid to disqualify a judge who spoke publicly about proposed reforms to class action law from hearing a class action against Fletcher Building is out of touch with reality, a court has heard.
ASIC has appealed a decision in its mostly successful case against the issuer of the Qoin crypto coin, challenging an “important” finding on authorised representatives of AFSL holders.
With its new business model of self-funding class actions, Maurice Blackburn can’t get by with an undertaking to indemnify Macquarie for its costs if a case over flex commissions fails.
Super Retail has lost its bid to restrain Harmers Workplace Lawyers from acting for two former executives, despite a judge finding the firm had a conflict of interest.
The CDPP and ASIC have succeeded in staying Clive Palmer’s case challenging the lawfulness of a seven-year-old examination, with a judge finding it would fragment criminal cases against the mining magnate.
A judge has allowed a tweak to a class action against the state of NSW on behalf of inmates of the Dillwynia Women’s Correctional Centre who were sexually assaulted by former correctional officer Wayne Astill.