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Roberts-Smith’s case an abuse of process, Fairfax tells court in costs bid
Defamation 2023-09-04 2:11 pm By Christine Caulfield

Former SAS soldier Ben Roberts-Smith should pay all costs reasonably incurred by Fairfax in successfully defending itself in his defamation case, which took more than 100 trial days and was an abuse of process, a court has heard.

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Solicitor found in contempt for withholding passwords from watchdog
Business of Law 2023-09-04 11:57 pm By Christine Caulfield

A Melbourne lawyer has been found guilty of two counts of contempt of court for failing to share logins and passwords to his firm’s computer records to an auditor appointed by Victoria’s legal watchdog.

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Vasta judgment prompts calls for judicial immunity legislation
Analysis 2023-09-01 5:31 pm By Sam Matthews

Legal bodies have expressed alarm at the implications of a ruling that put a judge on the hook for damages for ordering the wrongful imprisonment of a Queensland man and have called for legislative action, but one expert says the judgment is unlikely to open the floodgates.

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Bayer’s Monsanto takes Roundup class action to trial
Trials 2023-09-01 11:38 pm By Christine Caulfield

Agrochemical giant Monsanto is digging in for a fight in a class action over its alleged carcinogenic weed killer, Roundup, having refused to budge in mediation despite a $16 billion settlement in the US.

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Lights out on Hanhwa’s solar cell patent infringement suit
Intellectual Property 2023-09-01 11:57 pm By Christine Caulfield

A solar cell patent at the heart of intellectual property litigation brought by South Korean technology giant Hanwha has been found invalid.

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Despite conflicts, ASIC loses fight over insolvency partners’ remuneration
Restructuring & Insolvency 2023-09-01 11:04 pm By Christine Caulfield

Two former Ferrier Hodgson partners had conflicts of interest when they accepted appointments as administrators of a failed pig farm operation, an appeals court has found, but their remuneration won’t take a hit as a result.

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Westpac reaches $750,000 settlement with Forum Finance director’s father
Financial Services 2023-09-01 10:32 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Westpac has settled its claims against the father of Forum Finance director Vince Tesoriero, who along with fellow director Bill Papas is accused of perpetrating a $400 million fraud against the bank to fund their lavish lifestyles.

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Banksia senior barrister belatedly struck from roll in South Australia
Business of Law 2023-08-31 11:18 pm By Christine Caulfield

Disgraced Banksia class action barrister Norman O’Bryan has been struck from the roll of legal practitioners in South Australia for his part in what has been described as the darkest chapter in Victoria’s legal history.

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ASIC seeks ‘re-run’ of trial against James Mawhinney, court told
Financial Services 2023-08-31 3:23 pm By Cindy Cameronne

ASIC wants to re-run its case against investment group M101 Nominees and founder James Mawhinney after admitting it made errors at its initial trial, arguing for new fines and disqualification orders on remittal by the Full Court, a judge has heard.

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Medibank to sue privacy commissioner over possible contempt
Privacy & Cybersecurity 2023-08-31 2:48 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has endorsed Medibank’s bid to sue the OAIC so the court can weigh in on the health insurer’s bid to halt the regulator’s investigation in favour of a class action over its October data breach, saying the OAIC’s interference with the court proceedings could constitute a contempt of court.

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