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Lawyers praise ‘exceptional’ new High Court justice
High Court 2023-08-22 2:51 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The legal sector has welcomed NSW Supreme Court Justice Robert Beech-Jones’ elevation to the highest court in Australia, with former colleagues noting his legal acumen and generosity.

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Virgin class action a lawyers’ feast after judge joins insurers
Business of Law 2023-08-22 12:47 pm By Sam Matthews

A class action against Virgin Australia has become a lawyers’ feast, with seven new firms entering the ring after a dozen insurers were joined to the action alleging the airline failed to disclose its true financial position in a $324 million capital raising prospectus.

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Ex-G8 Education chair suffers another loss in challenge to ASIC examination
Corporate 2023-08-22 10:29 pm By Sam Matthews

Former G8 Education chair Jennifer Hutson has lost an appeal of a decision that found she was not unlawfully examined by the corporate regulator over the childcare company’s $162 million hostile takeover bid for Affinity Education Group.

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Son of former ATO boss jailed for at least 10 years over tax fraud scam
Tax 2023-08-22 11:37 pm By Christine Caulfield

The son of former ATO deputy commissioner Michael Cranston has been jailed for a minimum 10 years for his leading role in a $105 million tax evasion scheme.

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Wealth guru Dominique Grubisa can’t get more detail about ACCC’s case
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-08-22 1:42 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Dominique Grubisa has come up short in her bid to have the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission file formal pleadings in its case alleging she misled students enrolled in her real estate investing and wealth management courses.

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AMP to pay $110M to settle shareholder class action
Class Actions 2023-08-21 11:30 am By Cindy Cameronne

A shareholder class action that was filed in the wake of the banking royal commission over AMP’s fees-for-no-service practices has settled for $110 million. 

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ASIC suffers significant loss in ‘illegal phoenix’ case against liquidator
Restructuring & Insolvency 2023-08-18 11:32 pm By Christine Caulfield

The corporate regulator has failed in its case targeting an individual insolvency practitioner for alleged illegal phoenix activity.

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Mercer set to admit liability in ASIC’s first greenwashing case
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-08-18 9:13 pm By Sam Matthews

Mercer Superannuation is likely to admit liability in the corporate regulator’s maiden greenwashing case, a court has heard.

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IAG class action says 30% GCO can’t be compared to beauty parade rates in Star cases
Class Actions 2023-08-18 2:29 pm By Sam Matthews

In its bid for a 30 per cent group costs order, the applicant in a class action against Insurance Australia Group says the percentage shouldn’t be compared to lower proposed rates — as low as 14 per cent — in a battle to run a class action against Star.

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Deloitte partner in court fight with builder over Balmain reno costs
Construction 2023-08-18 11:59 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A Deloitte partner has brought legal action against a Sydney builder over variations to a $1.5 million contract to renovate his house in the waterfront suburb of Balmain, claiming the increases were meant as “cash support” for the construction business. 

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