The Australian Taxation Office has won a long-running case over an international tax evasion scheme by a company linked to the Binetter family after uncovering evidence showing earlier judgments were secured by fraud.
A former PricewaterhouseCoopers client who is suing the accounting firm over the $88 million sale of wholesale food company Hudson Pacific to Retail Food Group in 2016 has agreed to keep a Melbourne property off the market, but the company has not ruled out a bid for security for costs.
A regional law firm has lost its bid to bar a former employee from opening a rival practice within a 50 kilometre radius of its offices while its case is ongoing, with a judge saying the case raised a āreal issueā of reasonableness, especially in light of a lawyer shortage in the town.
Ten has failed in a push to question Bruce Lehrmann on whether he leaked restricted material produced during the accused rapist’s criminal trial to select media, as it defends itself against his defamation case, with a judge saying the network was “fishing”.
Cruise operator Scenic Tours has agreed to settle a long-running class action with travellers who were promised a āonce in a lifetime cruise along the grand waterways of Europeā but were instead forced to take the bus, after almost ten years of litigation that went all the way to the High Court.
A former client of HopgoodGanim has lost an out-of-time bid to challenge 31 invoices, after a judge found her fear of starting a fight with the law firm while it still represented her was ānot well founded”.
A declassing bid by nine doctors in a class action on behalf of women allegedly injured by a one-size-fits-all approach to breast implant surgeries must apply to the entire proceeding, not just the claims against them, a court has heard.
Multiple class actions against Downer EDI over accounting irregularities might be bound for the High Court as complex legal questions swirl, a judge said on Wednesday.
A judge overseeing class actions against car makers Hyundai and Kia over alleged engine defects has dismissed the carmakersā bid to inspect the lead applicantsā vehicles before defences are filed in the proceedings.
NAB has told a court it should pay a $2 million penalty — not the $10 million proposed by ASICĀ — for engaging in unconscionable conduct by overcharging customers, saying the exact words used in the regulator’s concise statement accuse it only of a single contravention.