An environmental group has lost a court challenge to controlled burns in the state’s Strathbogie Forest, despite arguing they would destroy the habitat of the endangered Southern greater glider.
A Melbourne couple has won their case over a “deliberately misleading” rendering of a $9.6 million South Yarra apartment.
Infant formula company Care A2 has found new lawyers as trial begins in a trade mark dispute with rival a2 Milk.
A Sydney beautician has resolved her action seeking to set aside a bankruptcy notice filed by her alleged former lover, WiseTech Global boss Richard White.
Two firms representing some Rio Tinto shareholders have lost their bid to intervene in Energy Resources’ fight to renew its lease for the Jabiluka uranium mine in the Northern Territory.
The Reject Shop is fighting an underpayments class action’s bid to reformulate its claims, which the discount retailer said could saddle with an extra 18 months of liability.
The former CEO of fintech iSignthis would need a loan to pay a $1.5 million penalty sought by the corporate regulator for breaches of directors duties, a court has heard.
Qantas has been ordered to pay $170,000 to three baggage handlers who were illegally sacked and replaced with contractors during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A judge on Friday rejected Latitude Finance’s defence in ASIC’s case over Harvey Norman’s ‘interest-free’ ads that no reasonable consumer would expect “a charitable free lunch”.
Care A2 is set to miss the trial in its trade mark fight with rival A2 Milk after the baby formula company was ditched by its lawyers at Ashurst days ago.