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New High Court judges Gleeson, Steward safe picks after secretive process
Analysis 2020-10-28 11:16 pm By Christine Caulfield

Federal Court Justices Jacqueline Gleeson and Simon Steward are safe and steady appointments to the High Court that are unlikely to disrupt the current culture of the bench and do nothing to assuage concerns about the opacity of the selection process.

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Doubts raised years ago about claims in dropped Pitcher Partners class action, court hears
Class Actions 2020-10-28 10:20 pm By Miklos Bolza

Johnson Winter & Slattery persisted with a shareholder class action over auditing advice given to Slater & Gordon despite concerns about the strength of the claims raised in late 2017, Pitcher Partners has told the Federal Court as it seeks indemnity costs for the now abandoned proceeding.

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Judge frowns on Allergan’s ‘Botox’ trade mark lawsuit
Intellectual Property 2020-10-28 7:29 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Botox maker Allergan has lost a lawsuit that accused an Australian cosmetics company that sells topical creams as an alternative to Botox injections of infringing its Botox trade mark.

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Federal Court judges Jacqueline Gleeson, Simon Steward appointed to High Court
People In The News 2020-10-28 2:01 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Morrison government has picked Federal Court Justices Simon Steward and Jacqueline Gleeson to fill the impending vacancies on the High Court.

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Personal injury firm raises ‘serious concerns’ about irregularity of fees class action
Class Actions 2020-10-28 1:04 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A personal injury law firm is seeking to shut down a class action alleging it charged clients unreasonable fees, telling the court that there were “serious concerns” about the irregularity of the proceedings and the conduct of the lawyer running it.

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7-Eleven says courts have no power to ever make a common fund order
Class Actions 2020-10-27 11:51 pm By Christine Caulfield

The High Court majority’s reasoning in the decision nixing common fund orders at an early stage of a class action leads “inexorably and inevitably” to the conclusion that there is no power to make such an order at any time in a proceeding, counsel for 7-Eleven has told an appeals court.

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‘Big fat CFO’ incentives would distort class action scheme, BMW tells court
Class Actions 2020-10-27 8:48 pm By Miklos Bolza

Luxury car maker BMW has told the NSW Court of Appeal that the courts do not have power to make common fund orders at any stage of a group proceeding, arguing that such orders would distort the scope of the class action regime by encouraging litigation funders to pursue lawsuits.

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Law firms behind competing AMP class actions fight consolidation
Class Actions 2020-10-27 4:37 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A showdown over two competing class actions against AMP is set down for December, and the applicants will have to persuade the judge overseeing the cases that they should not be consolidated.

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Rabbi loses appeal in defamation case over Royal Commission comments on child sex abuse
Appeals 2020-10-26 10:52 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A Sydney rabbi who told the Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse that he did not know touching a child’s genitals was a crime has lost his appeal of a ruling throwing out defamation proceedings he brought against Nationwide News and SBS.

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Group members no worse off if Pitcher Partners class action dropped, court told
Class Actions 2020-10-26 6:58 pm By Miklos Bolza

Dropping a class action against accounting firm Pitcher Partners over Slater & Gordon’s disastrous acquisition of UK professional services firm Quindell will leave group members no worse off than they were when the proceeding first commenced, the Federal Court has heard.

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