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‘I won’t do it. It’s a lie’: Former GC claims Meriton sacked him for refusing to lie in court
Employment 2020-05-29 12:37 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The former group general counsel of Meriton is suing the property giant and billionaire real estate developer Harry Triguboff for unfair dismissal, claiming he was fired for refusing to lie to the court.

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Down N’ Out to appeal ‘cheeky’ In-N-Out Burger trade mark infringement ruling
Intellectual Property 2020-05-29 12:27 pm By Alison Eveleigh

An Australian burger chain that opened in Sydney as a tribute to the popular American burger franchise In-N-Out is set to appeal a trademark infringement ruling that found its name choice was “deceptively similar” and “cheeky”.

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Judge should have thrown out taxi driver class action, Uber tells appeals court
Class Actions 2020-05-28 9:52 pm By Alison Eveleigh

Uber has once again attempted to put the brakes on a landmark class action which alleges the ride-sharing giant engaged in a conspiracy to steal business from taxi and limousine drivers across four states, telling a court of appeal that the trial judge wrongly departed from prevailing laws.

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Arnold Bloch Leibler accused of negligence in handling of billionaire Ken Talbot’s estate
Business of Law 2020-05-28 9:12 pm By Miklos Bolza

The widow of mining billionaire Ken Talbot has filed a negligence lawsuit against law firms Arnold Bloch Leibler and Boyd Legal for their handling of her late husband’s estate, which she claims resulted in tens of millions of dollars in losses.

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Maurice Blackburn loses appeal over bushfire class action tax bill
Appeals 2020-05-28 3:05 pm By Miklos Bolza

Maurice Blackburn has come up short in its challenge to a multimillion dollar tax bill for a record settlement payout in the Black Saturday bushfire class actions.

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Telstra not liable for worker’s 2.30am hip injury on work trip, court finds
Employment 2020-05-28 12:17 pm By Miklos Bolza

A court has dismissed a Telstra worker’s appeal seeking compensation for an injury sustained after a long night out during a work trip, finding that because the injury occurred at 2.30am it “lacked a connection” with her employment with the telecommunications company.

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Criminal charges ‘on the cards’ for WA businessman Chris Marco, court told
White Collar 2020-05-27 9:52 pm By Christine Caulfield

Accepting that criminal proceedings were “on the cards” for accused Ponzi schemer Chris Marco, a judge has ordered the appointment of receivers to his assets and those of his company, AMS Holdings, saying there was a strong need for an independent assessment of the investment activities of the WA businessman.

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Last minute bid to protect national security delays Ben Robert-Smith defamation case
Defamation 2020-05-27 8:03 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A last-minute bid by the Federal Attorney-General to protect national security information has delayed an interlocutory hearing in war veteran Ben Roberts-Smith’s defamation lawsuit, potentially pushing out the trial date.

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‘Not an idle or disinterested bystander’: Funder hit with costs for failed real estate case
Real Estate 2020-05-27 7:51 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A court has ruled that a litigation funder backing an unsuccessful real estate lawsuit by two broke plaintiffs must cover the legal costs after finding that the funder’s goals in the case were “more to serve its own commercial and financial ends” than to assist its clients.

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Slater & Gordon settlement armed class action to sue us, Arnold Bloch Leibler tells court
Class Actions 2020-05-27 4:11 pm By Miklos Bolza

Slater and Gordon’s conduct when settling a previous securities class action against it armed the lead plaintiff with the information he needed to later bring a class action against Arnold Bloch Leibler, a court has heard.

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