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Judge should be commended for ‘judicial economy’, Pacific National tells court in ACCC appeal
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-02-18 2:37 pm By Christine Caulfield

Pacific National has defended a decision by a judge to accept an undertaking and rule against the ACCC in its competition case over the rail operator’s acquisition of a major freight terminal in Queensland, saying the ruling was structured with “commendable judicial economy”.

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NAB’s ‘grossly deficient’ systems prompted ASIC’s second fees-for-no-service case, court hears
Financial Services 2020-02-18 2:10 pm By Miklos Bolza

National Australia Bank’s “grossly deficient” systems and failure to swiftly bring its processes into compliance prompted ASIC to launch its second fees-for-no-service case against the bank, the Federal Court has heard.

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Liquidators want $6M from directors of failed Gold Coast asset manager
Restructuring & Insolvency 2020-02-17 9:49 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Two former directors of defunct Gold Coast asset manager Avestra are facing a lawsuit from the company’s liquidators seeking to recover $6 million in alleged losses by three of the company’s managed investment schemes.

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Search warrant authorising AFP raid on ABC valid, court rules
Media 2020-02-17 8:52 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation has lost its challenge to an Australian Federal Police search warrant authorising a raid on the broadcaster’s Sydney headquarters last year.

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Google may face class action over anonymous reviews
Class Actions 2020-02-17 5:26 pm By Miklos Bolza

Search giant Google may face a class action by disgruntled business owners seeking compensation for loss and damage they claim has been caused by anonymous negative online reviews.

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Judge overstepped in accepting Pacific National undertaking, ACCC tells appeals court
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-02-17 4:30 pm By Christine Caulfield

The judge who dismissed the ACCC’s challenge to Pacific National’s acquisition of Aurizon’s Acacia Ridge Terminal in Queensland had no power to accept an undertaking by the rail operator as an answer to the competition regulator’s case, an appeals court has been told.

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Russells drops cross claim against axed solicitor
Employment 2020-02-17 12:44 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Russells Lawyers has withdrawn a cross claim against a restructuring and insolvency solicitor who filed a lawsuit alleging the firm tried to manufacture a reason for terminating his employment.

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Judge allows docs despite ‘real risk’ of prosecution for ex-Directed Electronics manager
Intellectual Property 2020-02-17 11:44 am By Miklos Bolza

A former manager of Australian electronics automotive developer Directed Electronics OE has failed to block access to certain documents in a corporate theft case, despite the Federal Court finding they gave rise to a “real and appreciable risk” of civil or criminal prosecution against him.

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Clive Palmer wins some, loses some in ongoing feud with CITIC over Sino Iron mine
Energy & Natural Resources 2020-02-14 11:12 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Clive Palmer and his company Mineralogy have survived a High Court challenge by Hong-Kong based CITIC to a ruling that put it on the hook for at least $224 million in unpaid royalties from producton at the Sino Iro mine, but a related $297 million suit by Palmer against the Chinese conglomerate has flopped.

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Judge allows discovery for possible bushfire class action against Essential Energy
Class Actions 2020-02-14 10:50 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A law firm has won its case seeking preliminary discovery from Essential Energy to pursue a possible class action against the state-owned electricity infrastructure company over the 2018 Tathra bushfire in NSW.

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