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ACCC’s decision to block Vodafone, TPG merger ‘chock full of speculation’, court hears
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-09-10 2:13 pm By Christine Caulfield

The competition regulator’s opposition to the proposed $15 billion merger of telecommunications companies Vodafone and TPG was based on “mere possibilities” and was “chock full of speculation”, the Federal Court heard Tuesday.

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Judge strikes out CIMIC class action claims pleaded in ‘factual vacuum’
Class Actions 2019-09-10 12:02 pm By Miklos Bolza

Engineering services company CIMIC has won a challenge to the pleadings in a shareholder class action against it, with the Federal Court striking out deficient paragraphs but giving the class a chance to replead.

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Judge gives ACCC go-ahead to continue case against insolvent Jump
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-09-10 10:40 am By Miklos Bolza

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has won its bid to continue proceedings against the insolvent operator of the Jump! swim school franchise and its director, with a court finding the case was in the public interest.

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Property developer Ralan Group faces potential class action over collapse
Class Actions 2019-09-09 10:17 pm By Christine Caulfield

William Roberts Lawyers and a litigation funder are investigating potential claims by property purchasers and investors against Ralan Group after the developer entered administration and creditors were warned to “prepare for a poor outcome”.

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Judge hands win to Starcom liquidator over insolvent trading period
Restructuring & Insolvency 2019-09-09 8:40 pm By Miklos Bolza

Two former directors of collapsed business and IT solutions provider Starcom Group have failed in their attempt to toss a referee’s report that found the company was insolvent 22 months before it was wound up.

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Ex-Tennis Australia directors lose bid for ASIC chats with witnesses
White Collar 2019-09-09 3:56 pm By Miklos Bolza

Two former directors of Tennis Australia can’t access chats between ASIC and other executives from the tennis body, with a judge finding the documents recording the communications with the potential witnesses were created in anticipation of litigation and were therefore privileged.

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Federal Court approval of funding commission recognises risks faced by funders
Expert Insights 2019-09-09 3:17 pm By Editor

In a recent decision, Federal Court Justice Jonathan Beach approved the settlement of the securities class action against Sirtex Medical. The approval included the judge making a common fund order and allowing funder IMF Bentham’s commission in the amount of $10 million, namely 25% of the gross settlement sum of $40 million. In approving the commission, Justice Beach noted that the rate should properly provide a reward for the risks undertaken by the funder, writes IMF Bentham’s Gavin Beardsell and Kate Hurford.

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Liquidators can find some Plutus workers’ claims not a priority, judge says
Restructuring & Insolvency 2019-09-09 2:47 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The liquidators of Plutus Payroll Australia, the company at the heart of a high profile $105 million tax fraud, can determine that claims made during the liquidation by some of its 4,500 workers are not claims of employees and do not need to be prioritised.

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State Street can use evidence from Maurice Blackburn case in US suit against Fearless Girl artist
Intellectual Property 2019-09-06 11:45 pm By Christine Caulfield

State Street Global Advisors has been given the go-ahead to use evidence unearthed in its trade mark and copyright action against Maurice Blackburn over the iconic Fearless Girl statue as evidence in a related US lawsuit against the sculpture’s creator.

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James Cook University hit with $1.2M judgment for sacking climate skeptic
Employment 2019-09-06 9:34 pm By Miklos Bolza

A court has ordered James Cook University to pay over $1.2 million to a controversial climate change professor who was sacked in a manner the judge found “reprehensibly unfair” and an “egregious abuse of power”.

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