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Judge OKs $16.4M Cash Converters settlement, but axes scheme administrator clause
Class Actions 2019-01-31 7:51 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has signed off on a $16.4 million settlement of a class action against Cash Converters, but not before scrapping a clause he said tied the court’s hands by making the deal conditional on the appointment of Maurice Blackburn as scheme administrator.

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Mylan loses lawsuit against Sun Pharma over cholesterol drug patents
Intellectual Property 2019-01-31 7:30 pm By Miklos Bolza

Generic drug maker Sun Pharma has emerged victorious in a lawsuit brought against it by Mylan relating to Sun’s plans to launch a generic version of cholesterol drug fenofibrate.

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Property spruiker Rick Otton drops appeal of record $6M fine
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-01-30 9:54 pm By Christine Caulfield

We Buy Houses’ director Rick Otton has withdrawn his appeal of a ruling that slugged him with a $6 million fine for misleading property investors, the highest ever penalty imposed on an individual for breaches of the Australian Consumer Law.

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Supplier of scalding hot water bottles hit with $415k fine
Chief Justice Debra Mortimer 2019-01-30 7:55 pm By Miklos Bolza

A wholesaler that supplied leaking hot water bottles and exploding candle holders to retailers in Victoria has been fined $415,000 for distributing the dangerous products in breach of the Australian Consumer Law.

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AIG appeals ruling in Kaboko Mining D&O coverage dispute
Insurance 2019-01-30 3:43 pm By Christine Caulfield

AIG Australia has appealed a decision that found it’s liable for covering four former directors being sued by collapsed Kaboko Mining after a failure to repay a US$5.95 million loan allegedly led to the company’s insolvency.

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Court demands greater transparency from ASIC in AMP insurance case
Financial Services 2019-01-30 3:17 pm By Miklos Bolza

ASIC has been ordered to reveal the extent of its communications with experts that are compiling a report central to its case against AMP over alleged insurance churning by one of its former financial advisers.

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Law Institute of Victoria sacked former GM for taking time off, lawsuit claims
Employment 2019-01-30 1:01 pm By Christine Caulfield

The former general manager of compliance at the Law Institute of Victoria has taken the peak legal body to court, alleging she was dismissed in breach of the Fair Work Act after taking sick leave.

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ATO wins appeal in $82M tax spat with BHP over Singapore marketing hub
Energy & Natural Resources 2019-01-29 8:32 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Australian Taxation Office has successfully appealed an Administrative Appeals Tribunal decision in favour of BHP Billiton, leaving the mining giant with a hefty $82 million tax bill over its Singapore marketing hub.

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ACCC calls for $35M fine against Empower Institute
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-01-29 3:46 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Australia Competition and Consumer Commission is seeking a $35 million penalty against Empower Institute after the court found the vocational trainer engaged in unconscionable conduct by “duping” customers into enrolling in courses they could not afford.

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CSIRO appeals ruling allowing changes to BASF GMO patent
Intellectual Property 2019-01-29 3:12 pm By Miklos Bolza

The CSIRO is appealing a decision by the Commissioner of Patents that allowed chemical giant BASF to amend its application for a genetically modified organisms patent.

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