Engineering firm Clough has filed a cross-claim against its former joint venture partner Elecnor in the EnergyConnect transmission project after the companies had a falling out over defaults.
The Tax Office has asked the High Court to reverse a landmark ruling that found an unpaid present entitlement to a corporate beneficiary is not a loan under tax law, a decision that affects $50 billion in trust distributions.
On questioning by a judge, Star’s former top lawyer has denied making a mistake by failing to tell the board about issues with junket Suncity in May 2018, but said her view was different now with hindsight.
During trial on Monday, ASIC also accused Star’s former top lawyer of giving false evidence about alleged cash for chip transactions in junket operator Suncity’s VIP room.
The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra has told a court that Jayson Gillham’s suit over a recital that was scuppered over critical Gaza comments should be tossed because the pianist was not an employee.
Two law firms have reached an agreement to join their class actions against Harvery Norman alleging the furniture retailer sold worthless warranties.
The Star’s former CEO has told a court he thought a general counsel was “painting very dramatic pictures” when he voiced concerns about cash transactions in junket operator Suncity’s VIP room.
A judge has rejected claims from Super Retail Group’s former top lawyer that suppression orders over details of an alleged settlement should be lifted so she can respond to the company’s “defamatory” version of events in the media, calling her claims “a bare assertion”.
A judge has found a shareholder class action against water treatment company Phoslock and auditor KPMG should not bear the costs incurred by a competing case for preliminary discovery.
A judge has questioned the former CEO of Star about a report that contained “startling” information about the casino’s significant junket operator Suncity that linked it to organised crime.