A judge has ordered Honda to pay $13.6 million in damages to dealer Brighton Automotive in a suit over the car maker’s move away from a dealership model.
A class action against water treatment company Phoslock and auditor KPMG should not be held up until a shareholder that’s stuck in preliminary discovery proceedings files a competing case, a court has heard.
A judge presiding over two competing class actions against Harvey Norman has granted the lawyers more time to confer on whether they can reach a deal to run the cases together.
Dealer Brighton Automative is gunning for $13.9 million in damages after Honda cut its contract off prematurely, with Honda hopeful the figure is more like $12.1 million.
The Melbourne Symphony has hit back at a pianist’s suit over a cancelled recital after he made impromptu comments about the war in Gaza, saying he had no right to make the unauthorised remarks.
The High Court has agreed to rule on whether common fund orders can ever be made in class actions, including so-called solicitors’ common fund orders allowing lawyers to earn a cut of any settlement.
A judge has signed off on a class action settlement that will see Retail Food Group pay nothing to the current and former franchisees of its Michel’s Patisserie chain.
As two class actions against Harvey Norman try to hash out a deal before competing to run the litigation, a judge has issued a warning to other law firms mulling their own actions.
The Hawthorn Football Club has denied racial discrimination claims by former player Cyril Rioli and others, including that it advised another player that his wife should terminate her pregnancy.
If it takes up the Federal Court’s ruling in favour of solicitors seeking to earn a cut from a class action, the High Court will be asked to overrule its 2019 decision against common fund orders.