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Coles, Woolworths ‘can’t hide behind’ poor records, court told as underpayments trial kicks off
Trials 2023-06-05 5:56 pm By Cindy Cameronne

On the first day of trial in parallel class actions and regulatory proceedings, the Fair Work Ombudsman panned the payment systems adopted by Woolworths and Coles for salaried managers, saying they were “entirely foreign” to the industrial award and that the supermarket giants had “no meaningful proper records” for overtime. 

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Racing NSW wins doc bid as it mulls competition case against interstate counterparts
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-05-31 5:22 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Racing NSW has won access to documents that concern an alleged plan by its Victorian counterpart to exclude it from the thoroughbred racing industry as part of an alleged anti-competitive agreement with four other states.

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Sydney University ordered to reinstate lecturer sacked over swastika slide
Employment 2023-05-29 3:13 pm By Sam Matthews

The University of Sydney has been ordered to reinstate a lecturer the court found was unlawfully dismissed over a slide of a Nazi swastika superimposed on the Israeli flag, but the order is stayed pending the school’s appeal.

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Case against Melco Resorts over Bergin inquiry costs raises novel question
Gaming 2023-05-26 11:27 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A court will be asked to decide whether the secrecy provisions of NSW gaming legislation prohibits the state’s casino regulator from using material produced to the Bergin Inquiry in its case against Hong Kong-based Melco Resorts seeking to recover the expense of running the Bergin Inquiry.

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Healthcare REIT can’t add claims against Dexus in trust takeover spat
Real Estate 2023-05-23 5:45 pm By Sam Matthews

Real estate investment trust NorthWest can amend its pleadings in a lawsuit alleging one of the country’s largest unlisted healthcare property funds conspired to prevent it from acquiring a controlling stake, but has come up short in its bid to add to its claims against property giant Dexus.

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Racing Victoria planned agreement to ‘seriously breach’ competition laws, court hears
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-05-04 11:01 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Racing NSW has accused its Victorian counterpart of planning an anti-competitive agreement with five other states to exclude it from the thoroughbred racing industry, as it seeks documents to bring potential claims.

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Judge throws cold water on Fairy’s ’30 Minute Miracle’ launch
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-05-01 9:09 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has hit the maker of Fairy dishwashing products with an interim injunction that will disrupt the launch of its 30 Minute Miracle detergent, after finding consumer claims by the maker of Finish dishwashing products had a strong prospect of success.

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No livestream for trial in wage cases against Coles, Woolworths
Employment 2023-04-28 2:51 pm By Christine Caulfield

A Federal Court judge has pulled the plug on a bid by the Fair Work Ombudsman for an upcoming trial in wage cases against supermarket giants Coles and Woolworths to be livestreamed like other hearings of public interest in the court.

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Sargon liquidators take Diversa to court, mull insolvent trading claims against directors
Restructuring & Insolvency 2023-04-18 11:01 pm By Christine Caulfield

Liquidators of Sargon Capital are pursuing a claim for $4 million against super trustee firm Diversa and are investigating potential insolvent trading claims against the collapsed fintech’s directors.

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Procter & Gamble’s ’30 Minute Miracle’ claims don’t wash, lawsuit says
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-04-11 10:59 pm By Sam Matthews

The maker of Finish dishwashing detergent has taken Procter & Gamble to court, arguing it misled consumers by claiming its Fairy 30 Minute Miracle dish detergent is more effective than the competition.

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