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Nuix class action investigation targets Macquarie, PwC
Class Actions 2021-05-20 9:52 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Commercial and class action firm Banton Group is investigating a shareholder class action against embattled technology company Nuix in relation to its pre-IPO disclosures which could also ensnare shareholder Macquarie and its executives, auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers and the joint lead managers on its float.

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‘Just tell us what we did wrong’: KPMG to get more details in Arrium class action
Class Actions 2021-04-21 10:37 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has ordered the applicant in a shareholder class action against former Arrium directors and KPMG over allegedly misleading statements made ahead of Arrium’s $754 million capital raising in 2014 to explain how the amount by which the mining company’s assets were allegedly overvalued was calculated.

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Forge directors fail to explain need for multiple law firms in liquidators’ case, judge says
Banton Group 2021-04-14 2:15 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has slashed security for costs sought in a case brought by the liquidators of engineering and construction company Forge Group after the former directors targeted in the action failed to explain why they had retained multiple law firms.

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Judge rejects government’s attempt to limit liability in Murray Darling class action
Class Actions 2021-04-13 3:27 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has found the Commonwealth and Murray Darling Basin Authority are not “public authorities”, striking out large portions of their defence in a class action brought by farmers alleging negligent oversight of water management in the critical Australian river system.

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Judge cuts class action applicant’s recovery under $19.25M Arasor settlement
Class Actions 2021-04-08 2:38 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has cut the money owed to the lead applicant in a securities class action against the directors and auditors of laser technology company Arasor from a $19.25 million settlement after a failed attempt to “re-litigate” a dispute over almost $400,000 in GST refunds.

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S&P may ask judge to disqualify himself from class action over ratings defects
Class Actions 2021-03-26 12:53 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge who oversaw a 39-day trial in 2018 in multiple class actions against S&P Global may be asked by the ratings agency to step down from hearing another class action alleging systemic defects in its ratings systems.

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KPMG can’t delay defence in Arrium class action
Accounting 2021-03-24 1:37 pm By Christine Caulfield

A bid by KPMG to push off the filing of its defence in a class action over misleading statements ahead of Arrium’s $754 million capital raising in 2014 has been shot down by a judge, who said the auditor has known the claims against it since November.

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With High Court leave, Arrium class action plaintiffs may get second chance to grill ex-director
Restructuring & Insolvency 2021-02-11 10:44 pm By Christine Caulfield

Two shareholders of failed Arrium Group have secured leave from the High Court to challenge a ruling that nixed their planned examination of a former director to bolster a class action over the collapse of the steel producer.

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Arrium class action at centre of brewing fight over contingency fee orders
Class Actions 2021-02-05 4:32 pm By Miklos Bolza

Whether a contingency fee order made in a Victoria Supreme Court class action can survive a transfer application to a NSW court could be the next high stakes class action issue for the courts.

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‘I’ve never seen such nonsense in an affidavit’: Judge flays lawyers in S&P class action
Class Actions 2020-11-27 1:09 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has lashed out at the legal team behind a class action against S&P over allegedly misleading credit ratings for filing hearsay evidence in support of an application to serve the ratings giant overseas, saying that “nobody who is a first year law student” would say the evidence was admissible.

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