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Fight brewing over competing pelvic mesh class actions against Boston Scientific
Class Actions 2021-07-09 9:57 pm By Christine Caulfield

Despite a judge’s urging for the parties to arrive at a “pragmatic solution”, the lawyers behind competing pelvic mesh class actions against Boston Scientific will duke it out for carriage of the proceedings.

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Caffitaly wins reversal of invalidity ruling on coffee pod patent
Intellectual Property 2021-07-01 12:52 pm By Miklos Bolza

Coffee capsule machine manufacturer Caffitaly has saved one of its coffee pod patents from a finding of invalidity, in a partially successful appeal of a ruling that stripped three of its patents from the Australian register.

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‘Absolutely not’: Judge won’t hold Ethicon-type trial in TFS pelvic mesh class action
Class Actions 2021-04-23 10:59 pm By Miklos Bolza

Hoping to avoid a lengthy trial like the 89-day hearing in the pelvic mesh class action against Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon, a judge has suggested splitting up a class action hearing over TFS Manufacturing and IVS pelvic mesh products to focus on the question of the devices’ safety and efficacy first.

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In Pizzeys client poaching case, ‘fraught’ separate questions rejected
Intellectual Property 2021-04-23 10:01 pm By Christine Caulfield

Two lawyers facing a lawsuit over their defection from specialist IP firm Pizzeys Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys have failed in their bid to have separate hearings in the case concerning the validity of non-compete clauses in their employment contracts.

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Judge says separate questions are ‘fraught’ but allows hearing in Pizzeys client poaching dispute
Intellectual Property 2021-03-02 12:09 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

A judge has allowed a hearing on separate questions concerning the validity of a non-compete agreement in a lawsuit brought against two patent lawyers who jumped ship by boutique IP firm Pizzeys Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys, despite expressing concerns that “separate questions are fraught”.

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Insurer appeals ruling putting it on hook for Opal Tower coverage
Insurance 2020-11-17 10:37 am By Cat Fredenburgh

Insurer Liberty Mutual is challenging its loss in a coverage dispute with construction company Icon Co over $31 million in losses stemming from Sydney’s Opal Tower, whose residents were evacuated after cracks appeared in the tower’s walls on Christmas Eve in 2018.

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Icon wins dispute with insurers over Opal Tower coverage
Insurance 2020-10-20 5:20 pm By Miklos Bolza

Construction firm Icon Co has won a coverage dispute with its insurers over $31 million in losses stemming from Sydney’s ill-fated Opal Tower, whose residents were evacuated after cracks appeared in the tower’s walls on Christmas Eve in 2018.

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Online gig platform fined $600,000 for misleading reviews
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-07-22 11:03 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Online odd jobs platform Service Seeking has been fined $600,000 for falsely representing that reviews on its platform were written by customers when in fact they were written by the businesses themselves.

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Coffee capsule maker Caffitaly appeals ruling invalidating three patents
Intellectual Property 2020-07-20 1:56 pm By Christine Caulfield

Coffee capsule maker Caffitaly is challenging a ruling that revoked three patents at the centre of an intellectual property war with rival One Collective.

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Opal Tower apartment owners file lawsuit against NSW Government
Construction 2020-06-29 11:00 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Owners of units in Sydney’s Opal Tower have filed a lawsuit against the NSW Government and builder Icon after allegedly discovering more than 500 additional defects in the troubled building.

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