A shuttered upmarket cocktail bar in Sydney is seeking damages from its former landlord after the termination of its lease agreement during the COVID-19 pandemic forced it to close less than a year after opening its doors.
A judge has slugged the CEO of a Sydney property development company with a $32,500 penalty for underpaying a live-in nanny, but he aimed his wrath at the media for having “wrongly branded” the businessman as someone who engaged in modern slavery.
While there was no shortage of pain and challenges for law firms as the coronavirus raged across the globe last year, a number of big firms also felt the sting of litigation from disgruntled clients, partners and employees.
In a judgment that will be welcomed by retailers, a court has found that rent relief under the Federal Government’s mandatory COVID-19 code of conduct can be extended for at least six months after the regulations expire in October.
A Sydney-based law firm has been ordered to pay $1.4 million in damages for failing to properly advise a client of his rights under a partnership agreement after he suffered several strokes.
A judge has criticised the parties in a land sale dispute over Sydney’s Parklea Markets for failing to make progress to bring the case to a close, almost three months after a $4.25 million judgment was awarded to a company owned by local retail personality Con Constantine.
A major property development CEO accused of paying his Filipino nanny $2.33 an hour has denied underpayment allegations, instead claiming the woman was a “guest of the family” who was “free to decide” whether or not she wished to provide domestic assistance.
Titus Day, former manager of pop star Guy Sebastian, admits that certain payments for promotional work should have been made to the singer, a court has heard.
The CEO of a property development company faces enforcement action by the Fair Work Ombudsman for allegedly paying his nanny $2.33 an hour for over 100 hours of work a week.
Colourful Sydney barrister Charles Waterstreet is seeking an urgent hearing to lift an “emergency” suspension imposed by the NSW Bar Association to allow him to continue working on a malicious prosecution case brought by a solicitor who was accused, and acquitted, of sexual assault by a client.