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Construction PRO
Ashurst loses real estate partner to Clayton Utz
Real Estate 2025-01-28 11:55 pm By Christine Caulfield

Real estate lawyer Vicki Aron has joined Clayton Utz’s Sydney office as a partner after seven years at Ashurst.

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Class action can peek at any settlement offers to Land Rover owners
Product Liability 2025-01-21 11:14 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

Jaguar Land Rover can’t make an offer to settle the claims of unrepresented group members in a class action over alleged faulty filter systems until after it provides a copy of the offer to solicitors representing the class.

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Novartis appeals IP win for Pharmacor over blood pressure drug
Appeals 2025-01-20 11:42 pm By Christine Caulfield

Pharmaceutical giant Novartis is challenging the loss of its case against Sydney-based generics company Pharmacor over a patent for heart medication Entresto.

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Construction PRO
Sister of concrete king can access company’s books, court rules
Construction 2025-01-21 11:30 pm By Andy Sidler

The heir to a Queensland concrete empire has been granted access to Neilsen Group’s books following a dispute with her brother over the company’s operations that resulted in her appointment as a director.

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Construction PRO
CIMIC to hand over quality control info in $70M suit over squeaky building facade
Construction 2025-01-20 4:35 pm By Andy Sidler

The owners of Perth high rise HBF House have won their bid for more documents from builder CIMIC, as they seek to prove claims that the building squeaks when the weather changes and leaks when it rains. 

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Activists drop legal challenge to New Acland coal mine
Energy & Natural Resources 2025-01-15 4:07 pm By Cindy Cameronne

An environmental group has dropped its court fight over the expansion of the New Acland coal mine in Queensland, saying the case — which went to the High Court — had taken a heavy financial toll.

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Exactech class action continues settlement talks despite US bankruptcy
Class Actions 2025-01-08 11:47 am By Andy Sidler

A class action against implant maker Exactech has been stayed in light of its US bankruptcy, but a carve out allows the firm that brought the case to continue settlement negotiations.

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Top 10 class action settlements of 2024
Class Actions 2025-01-03 7:25 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Class action settlements leaped in value last year, with three settlements topping the $200 million mark.

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Toyota unit Hino to pay $87M to settle emissions cheating class action
Class Actions 2025-01-03 5:51 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Hino Motors has agreed to pay $87 million to settle a consumer class action alleging it misrepresented that its vehicles met Australian emissions and road standards over a 20-year period.

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‘Considerable disquiet’: Pelvic mesh group members can challenge $405M settlements
Product Liability 2024-12-23 11:54 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Women who were allegedly injured by defective pelvic mesh implants can apply to set aside two approved settlements against Johnson & Johnson and Boston Scientific worth $405 million.

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