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Mascot Towers owners settle with developer of neighbouring building
Construction 2022-07-12 7:31 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Owners in Sydney’s Mascot Towers have struck a deal with the developer that built a neighbouring property, in a lawsuit seeking more than $15 million in damages over alleged structural cracks that made their apartments unlivable.

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‘Parlous situation’: Mascot Towers owners file court bid to sell troubled buildings
Construction 2022-06-17 4:51 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Owners of Sydney’s Mascot Towers are facing a “parlous situation” as they file an urgent court bid to sell the two buildings after $16 million was spent to repair structural cracks that made the apartments unliveable.

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Quintis class action settlement takes hit as insurers win appeal
Insurance 2022-05-19 4:39 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Two insurers have won an appeal that blocks group members in a class action against sandalwood producer Quintis from receiving a further $11.25 million after a settlement was reached almost two years ago. 

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Lawyers the only winners in Guvera class action settlement, judge says
Class Actions 2022-04-08 5:26 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has approved a $155,000 settlement in a class action on behalf of investors in failed streaming platform Guvera which racked up $500,000 in legal fees, saying the case should never have been filed as a class action and didn’t advance group members’ interests “one iota”.

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Union planning to upsize rest break cases against McDonald’s
Employment 2022-03-23 10:37 pm By Sam Matthews

The Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association has flagged its intent to bring further cases against various McDonald’s franchisees, alongside eleven claims it has brought to date over alleged failures to give workers paid 10-minute breaks.

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Judge clarifies rights of responsible entities to recoup MIS costs
Financial Services 2022-03-23 4:22 pm By Miklos Bolza

A Federal Court judgment has laid out when a responsible entity of a managed investment scheme will be indemnified for its operating costs and when it can recoup legal costs in defending lawsuits brought over trust property.

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Banksia class action lawyers make $10.6M settlement offer
Class Actions 2022-03-03 10:58 pm By Christine Caulfield

Lawyers behind a scheme to defraud members of a class action over the collapse of Banksia Securities have offered $10.6 million to resolve a case that has put them on the hook for at least double that sum.

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Banksia funder to be wound up, liquidators to probe potential claims against directors
Class Actions 2022-01-18 1:23 pm By Christine Caulfield

The litigation funder behind a scam to defraud members of a class action over the collapse of Banksia Securities has entered liquidation, and the funder’s two surviving directors will be among potential targets of attempts to recover money to pay a $21.7 million court judgment.

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Top 10 class action settlements of 2021
Class Actions 2022-01-10 7:52 am By Bianca Hrovat

Class action settlement totals skyrocketed to over $900 million last year, and one law firm negotiated the lion’s share, with $672 million in settlements under its belt.

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Banksia class action funder enters administration with no assets
Restructuring & Insolvency 2021-12-07 12:24 pm By Christine Caulfield

The litigation funder behind a fraudulent scheme in a class action over Banksia Securities has entered administration with negligible assets to its name.

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