A Victorian barrister found guilty of contempt for representing her sons despite an order barring her from practicing can’t re-open reviews of two decisions denying her a certificate.
If it takes up the Federal Court’s ruling in favour of solicitors seeking to earn a cut from a class action, the High Court will be asked to overrule its 2019 decision against common fund orders.
Human rights group Save the Children has lost its fight to release Australians held in a Syrian refugee camp after the High Court refused its special leave bid.
Pharmaceuticals giant Lundbeck has succeeded in overturning IP Australia’s decision granting Novartis unit Sandoz a licence to sell a generic version of top-selling antidepressant Lexapro.
A court has refused leave to appeal a permanent stay of a class action run, funded and led by lawyer Andrew Hamilton against Google and Meta that challenged their crypto ad bans.
Three former Blue Sky directors who were originally named in a shareholder class action against the collapsed fund manager might be “dragged back” into the case after its chief operating officer pointed the finger at him in his defence, a court has heard.
A $100 million settlement by AMP in a class action by financial planners over the wealth manager’s buyer of last resort policy has been given the OK, but the litigation funder won’t be reimbursed for $2.6 million in insurance and administrative costs.
Over objections from the ACCC, a judge has struck out the regulator’s entire case against Meta over scam cryptocurrency ads on Facebook after it clarified that each allegedly misleading ad should be a separate contravention.
Whitehaven Coal has struck back at a class action led by the father of famed mining investor Nathan Tinkler, calling the claims that it failed to fulfil an implied term of a $150 million share subscription from 2012 “fanciful”.
A Sleeping Duck shareholder has been ordered to pay the company’s costs on an indemnity basis in its failed oppression suit, with a judge finding that its decisions to reject Sleeping Duck’s buy-out offers of roughly $4 million were unreasonable.