A judge recently made the rare decision to declass a representative case, and experts say we may see more of the difficult applications as class actions move into areas with greater variation in the circumstances of group members.
A group of class actions against healthcare providers in Victoria that allegedly failed to pay junior doctors for overtime have settled for $175 million.
Victorian healthcare providers facing class actions on behalf of junior doctors have turned to one law firm to lead their defence. And that firm might be about to get a lot busier.
A discrimination class action against AFL by First Nations players, umpires and officials has been given the OK to rejig its pleading, over the vehement protests of the league.
The Albanese government has passed a new law aimed at preventing a repeat of the Robodebt scandal, making it an offence for federal agency heads to impede an investigation by the Commonwealth watchdog.
A nurses union has won orders barring St Vincent’s Private from representing to nurses that protected industrial action in relation to the closure of beds at various hospitals is unlawful and unprotected.
Law firm Gordon Legal has filed appeals after a judge ordered the declassing of several proceedings over COVID-19 business interruption losses.
Law firm Gordon Legal has filed a tenth class action on behalf of junior doctors in Victoria who were allegedly underpaid for shift work, after several landmark wins in similar cases.
A judge has given the green light to a $31.5 million settlement in a class action brought by junior doctors accusing the ACT government and North Canberra Hospital of failing to pay overtime.
A judge has balked at a suggestion by group members appealing a $112 million Robodebt class action settlement that the Commonwealth could represent the interests of people content with the deal.