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$230M junior doctors settlement shows employment class actions ā€˜viable and attractive’, experts say
Analysis 2024-04-24 11:39 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A landmark $230 million settlement in an underpayments class action on behalf of junior doctors in NSW shows employment group proceedings are ā€œviable and attractiveā€ and may encourage more players to pursue representative cases on behalf of workers, according to class action experts.

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NSW Health to pay $230M to settle junior doctors class action
Class Actions 2024-04-23 11:55 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Tens of thousands of junior doctors who allege they were systemically underpaid have reached a $230 million settlement with NSW Health, the largest settlement ever in an underpayments class action.

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Junior doctors class action settles with NSW Health
Class Actions 2024-03-08 12:43 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A class action representing thousands of junior doctors alleging they were systematically underpaid has settled with NSW Health for a confidential sum, but a related union case is set to continue.

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Appeal dropped in first junior doctors class action to go to trial
Class Actions 2024-02-28 11:31 pm By Christine Caulfield

Victoria’s Peninsula Health has abandoned an appeal of a ruling in a class action that found it breached workplace laws by failing to pay overtime to a junior doctor, a capitulation that could be a game changer for a series of class actions against health care providers.

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Victorian healthcare providers stung with junior doctors class action
Employment 2023-10-23 10:44 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Two more Victorian healthcare providers have been hit with a class action on behalf of junior doctors alleging they were not paid for unrostered work.

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Junior doctors to face another hurdle after class action victory
Class Actions 2023-09-25 10:53 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The first healthcare provider to be found liable in one of several underpayments class actions by junior doctors is challenging a ruling that found permission to work overtime hours did not have to be expressly given.

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Junior doctors win first underpayments class action
Class Actions 2023-08-11 11:15 pm By Sam Matthews

Junior doctors have notched an important victory in a class action alleging Peninsula Health failed to pay overtime hours, with a judge finding the healthcare provider liable to pay for overtime that was not expressly authorised.

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Junior doctors beat back declassing bid by NSW in overtime case
Employment 2023-07-14 10:33 pm By Christine Caulfield

A junior doctor representing thousands of medical officers in NSW has thwarted an application by the state to declass her group proceeding, with a judge saying a “single determination” of the issues common to all group members was the most efficient way of resolving them.

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Irritated judge pushes off 2nd junior doctors class action trial
Employment 2023-07-05 4:35 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has adjourned a trial in a case brought by junior doctors seeking to recoup alleged unpaid overtime, despite noting his annoyance over the applicantsā€™ ā€œ180 degree turnā€ on the question of whether the hearing should await delivery of judgment in a related case.

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Latitude faces class action investigation over data breach
Privacy & Cybersecurity 2023-03-28 3:14 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Two class action law firms have teamed up to investigate possible legal action against Latitude Financial over a cyberattack that resulted in the theft of 14 million customer records.

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