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IVF provider Virtus’ confidentiality claims ‘border on ridiculous’, judge says
Competition & Consumer Protection 2021-11-03 9:02 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has rejected part of IVF provider Virtus Health’s bid for redactions in a recent decision from the court temporarily blocking the company from purchasing rival Adora Fertility, saying some of the confidentiality claims were “staggering” and “border on ridiculous.”

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Fees for no service class action must clarify ‘serious allegations’ against AMP
Class Actions 2021-11-02 4:27 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has ordered a class action against AMP to provide more detail in its case accusing the financial services firm of failing to disclose information to shareholders about allegedly misleading ASIC and charging clients fees for no service.

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Thomson Geer to give all staff 10% pay rise
Business of Law 2021-11-01 1:21 pm By Miklos Bolza

Thomson Geer is giving all staff a 10 per cent pay bump, less than a week after Big Six law firm Gilbert + Tobin announced similar measures amid tight competition for talent in the legal market.

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Rate-rigging class action pleadings OK’d, more than two years after case filed
Class Actions 2021-10-28 3:56 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has given the green light to amended pleadings in a class action accusing major banks of entering a cartel agreement to rig foreign exchange rates, bringing a two-year fight over the pleadings closer to resolution.

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Corrs Chambers Westgarth nabs financial services specialist from Herbert Smith Freehills
People In The News 2021-10-28 4:09 pm By Bianca Hrovat

Corrs Chambers Westgarth has continued its hiring spree, luring a financial services regulatory specialist from Herbert Smith Freehills.

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Despite universal panning by lawyers, government takes class action bill to parliament
Policy and Regulation 2021-10-27 9:03 pm By Miklos Bolza

Legislation capping litigation funder returns in class actions to 30 per cent and requiring group members to sign up to funding schemes has been introduced to federal parliament despite widespread criticism.

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Lendlease, Acciona lock horns over $160M engineering acquisition
Contracts 2021-10-26 3:30 pm By Miklos Bolza

Infrastructure developers Lendlease and Acciona are suing each other for tens of millions of dollars over alleged losses stemming from Acciona’s $160 million acquisition of Lendlease’s engineering business, which saw it take over the Gawler rail project in South Australia.

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Injunction extended in ACCC’s challenge to Virtus’ acquisition of Adora
Corporate 2021-10-25 3:13 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has won an injunction to stop Virtus from completing the purchase of rival Adora Fertility until a court has ruled on the competition regulator’s challenge to the acquisition. 

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Virtus ‘author of its own fate’ if Adora acquisition fails, judge says
Competition & Consumer Protection 2021-10-19 9:30 pm By Cindy Cameronne

IVF provider Virtus Health would be “the author of its own fate” if its proposed acquisition of rival Adora Fertility flopped, a judge has said in hearing the ACCC’s bid for a temporary injunction blocking completion of the planned purchase.

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Son of ex-Qantas chairman takes airline to court again
Employment 2021-10-18 1:44 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The 64-year-old son of former Qantas chairman Sir Lenox Hewitt, who sued the airline for age discrimination earlier this year, has taken the company to court again alleging he’s owed over $90,000 in compensation.

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