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Market-based causation on the line as first shareholder class action judgment looms
Securities 2019-10-09 11:16 pm By Christine Caulfield

The judge who presided over a rare securities class action trial last year against department store Myer will deliver judgment in the case this month that could be the first ruling on causation in Australian shareholder class actions and has the potential to have a chilling effect on law firms bringing the cases.

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‘Completely out of control’: fresh funding concerns emerge in Iluka class action
Class Actions 2019-10-08 11:13 pm By Amelia Birnie

The judge overseeing a class action against mineral sands producer Iluka Resources has slammed the submissions from both sides over a bid for an extra $2.6 million in security for costs, calling them “completely out of control” and “totally out of proportion”.

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Court can order security against funders in Fair Work class actions, judge rules
Employment 2019-10-08 9:36 pm By Miklos Bolza

A landmark ruling has found judges have the power to order security against litigation funders backing Fair Work class actions, in a decision that could change the landscape of representative proceedings.

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Court of Appeal tosses Quinn Emanuel challenge to AMP beauty parade loss
Appeals 2019-10-08 4:38 pm By Miklos Bolza

A challenge by Quinn Emanuel to a NSW Supreme Court decision staying its shareholder class action against AMP has been unanimously dismissed by the Court of Appeal, which found the class action beauty contest was not decided in error and that subsequently filed representative proceedings were not an abuse of process.

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After ASIC raises ire, judge sets down new rules for regulators in his court
ASIC 2019-10-04 10:46 pm By Christine Caulfield

ASIC and other government regulators bringing enforcement action in the docket of one Federal Court judge must abide by a strict new protocol to prevent a repeat of the corporate watchdog’s “wait and see” strategy in a case against ex-Murray Goulburn directors that came close, the judge said, to bringing the administration of justice into disrepute.

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ASIC’s belated case against ex-Murray Goulburn execs survives, but judge says never again
ASIC 2019-10-04 10:05 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has refused a bid by two former Murray Goulburn executives to throw out a disqualification case brought by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, despite admonishing the corporate regulator for its delay in bringing the case and establishing a protocol for regulators filing cases in his docket.

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Battle ahead as Hanwha seeks to ‘strengthen’ solar patent after suing rivals for infringement
Intellectual Property 2019-10-02 4:15 pm By Miklos Bolza

Global solar panel manufacturer Hanwha Q CELLS wants to amend the patent behind its solar technology, more than six months after launching infringement proceedings against three rivals.

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ACCC ‘contaminated’ key evidence in ANZ criminal cartel investigation, court hears
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-09-27 8:18 pm By Miklos Bolza

An investigation by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has come under fire by the banks and directors targeted in a criminal case over alleged cartel conduct that claim the regulator “contaminated” key evidence and improperly used material supplied by ASIC.

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Israel Folau offered to apologise for homophobic rant, Rugby Australia tells court
Employment 2019-09-25 11:17 pm By Christine Caulfield

Former Wallabies star Israel Folau offered to make a public apology for a homophobic social media slur that got him fired, a court has been told.

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‘We have a right to a fair trial’: ANZ criminal cartel defendant slams CDPP’s lack of detail
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-09-25 3:38 pm By Amelia Birnie

Lawyers for former Citigroup executive Stephen Roberts have complained that prosecutors have failed to provide a “shred of material” to explain his alleged involvement in a criminal cartel relating to ANZ’s $2.5 billion capital raising, as the defendants fight to grill Crown witnesses before trial.

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