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Atanaskovic Hartnell loses fee fight with company fleeced by Brody Clarke
Business of Law 2020-05-18 11:35 am By Miklos Bolza

Atanaskovic Hartnell has mostly come up short in a court battle for over $172,000 in legal fees, with a judge finding the law firm was in a “manifest position of conflict” in its dispute with two media companies defrauded by one of its former lawyers, Brody Clarke.

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ISignthis can’t keep lid on ‘damaging’ ASX findings
Financial Services 2020-04-30 12:00 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

ISignthis has come up short in its courtroom bid to block publication of the Australian Stock Exchange’s “damaging” reasons for suspending its shares.

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Developer fights to reopen GST class action hearing on damages for lost opportunity
Class Actions 2020-04-29 6:06 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A property developer facing a class action over a residential complex in Canberra has asked a court to reopen a hearing that resulted in a finding that it misled the lead applicant about the GST payable on her unit and awarded her $23,400 in compensation.

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‘This case makes no sense’: Judge says ‘Love Is In The Air’ infringed, but no damages owed
Intellectual Property 2020-04-27 1:48 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has found that an Oregon electronic music duo “flagrantly” copied the 1977 disco hit ‘Love is in the Air’ but has rejected most claims for damages because the copyright holder of the song sued for each streaming and download of the song, rather than for the creation of the infringing work.

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ISignthis fights to keep lid on ‘damaging’ ASX findings
Securities 2020-04-16 8:36 pm By Alison Eveleigh

Publication of a document outlining the Australian Stock Exchange’s reasons for suspending the shares of ISignthis would be ‘damaging’ to the fintech company and should be barred until after the trial, a court has heard.

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COVID-19 could push Country Care cartel trial to next year
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-04-15 1:59 pm By Alison Eveleigh

The jury trial for a criminal cartel case against mobility equipment provider Country Care and two employees is unlikely to start before next year due to restrictions on jury trials caused by the coronavirus pandemic, a judge has said.

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Land developer Tina Bazzo loses fight to keep liquidators’ examinations secret
Restructuring & Insolvency 2020-04-09 4:30 pm By Christine Caulfield

WA-based land developer Tina Bazzo and her partner Allen Caratti have failed in their challenge to a ruling that liquidators’ examinations should not be held in private despite a large scale ongoing criminal investigation of the pair.

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Icon seeks to recoup Opal Tower losses in latest class action cross-claim
Class Actions 2020-04-02 4:54 pm By Miklos Bolza

Construction giant Icon has filed a cross-claim against the prefab concrete company behind the ill-fated Opal Tower, seeking to recover at least part of almost $28 million in losses spent after cracks in the building caused residents to evacuate in 2018.

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Online trial planned in Opal Tower builder’s case against insurers
Construction 2020-03-26 10:41 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Federal Court is pushing ahead with an expedited trial in Icon Co’s case against Liberty Mutual Insurance and QBE over the Opal Tower disaster, just one month after originally scheduled, and it’s going online to do it.

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HWL Ebsworth softens stance, lets lawyers work from home
Business of Law 2020-03-26 9:08 pm By Christine Caulfield

After insisting that employees remain working in the office despite tough government restrictions to combat the spread of the new coronavirus, HWL Ebsworth has changed its tune, saying any lawyer wishing to work remotely could now do so, and would be paid as usual.

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