Liquidators of collapsed developer Crown Group have brought legal action against the company’s partner in a joint venture to build a residential tower in Melbourne’s Southbank, seeking to force a sale of the property.
Johnson Winter Slattery has lured a partner from DLA Piper who has extensive experience working on major energy projects.
A key issue in the ACCC’s price-fixing case against Downer EDI’s Spotless and Ventia is likely to focus on whether the facilities services companies were in competition, a court has heard.
Trial in the ACCC’s misuse of market power case against Mastercard has been pushed to 2026, after the US company failed to comply with discovery orders.
A second law firm has lodged class actions against Coles and Woolworths on the back of the consumer regulator’s claims that the supermarket giants’ discount campaigns were misleading.
The former CFO of Star Entertainment has reached a settlement in ASIC’s case accusing ten executives of breaching their duties in relation to the casino operator’s lax money laundering compliance.
Mitsubishi says an investigation into the fuel consumption of its Triton cars is protected by litigation privilege and should not be handed over to a class action.
SkyCity has agreed to settle its dispute with the Treasurer of South Australia over the treatment of electronic gaming credits after losing its High Court challenge in October.
A health and safety law specialist has joined Johnson Winter Slattery as partner after working at Clyde & Co for almost a decade.
A judge has rejected a new pleading that would have upped the damages to $135 million in a case by a shareholder of failed energy company Armour Group alleging law firm Baker McKenzie was knowingly involved in a plan to take control of the company for cheap.