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Class action settlement with IPO Wealth trustee ‘a lot less’ than investors’ claims, court told
Restructuring & Insolvency 2022-06-02 6:30 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Investors in Mayfair Group’s collapsed IPO Wealth Fund stand to recoup “a lot less” than their alleged $67 million in losses from a settlement in a class action alleging the fund’s trustee misled the unit holders — but they will take home 75 per cent of the resolution sum, a court has heard.

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Ex-Sydney Symphony CEO damaged own reputation with ‘hit job’ media release, court told
Employment 2022-05-30 3:51 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Sydney Symphony argues its former CEO can’t claim she was dismissed for investigating claims of sexual harassment by the orchestra’s musicians after previously telling the media she was the victim of a politically motivated “hit job” for seeking funding from the NSW government.

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ACCC swipes at Mastercard for alleged interchange rate agreement with retailers
Competition & Consumer Protection 2022-05-30 1:18 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The ACCC has taken Mastercard to court for allegedly misusing its market power by giving major retailers discounted interchange rates in exchange for them agreeing to process their debit card transactions through Mastercard instead of the cheaper eftpos network.

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GetSwift, directors drop appeal of judgment on ‘PR-driven’ approach to disclosures
Securities 2022-05-16 11:38 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Logistics company GetSwift and its directors have dropped their challenge to a judgment that found the company breached its continuous disclosure obligations with its “PR-driven” approach to ASX statements.

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‘Just a fishing expedition’: Quintis class action can’t see EY meeting docs
Class Actions 2022-05-05 4:45 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Shareholders bringing a class action against Quintis have lost their bid for Ernst & Young to hand over documents from two meetings with a director of the sandalwood supplier, after a judge found they did not get “within a bull’s roar” of showing the accounting firm’s discovery was inadequate.

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Ex-Deloitte director accused of $3M fraud suspended from restructuring group
White Collar 2022-04-21 2:29 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A former Deloitte director accused of embezzling $3.1 million to fund lavish purchases, including an extensive art collection, has been referred to police and suspended by an association for Australian restructuring professionals.

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Deloitte director ordered to repay $3M in case of ‘remarkable fraud’
Restructuring & Insolvency 2022-04-20 4:06 pm By Christine Caulfield

A former Deloitte director accused of embezzling $3.1 million has agreed to court orders that he repay the money and hand over title to all assets — including almost 100 works of art — purchased with the alleged misappropriated funds.

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Babcock & Brown shareholders lose bid for re-trial over judge’s ‘pernicious’ delay
High Court 2022-04-14 3:03 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The High Court has rejected a bid by shareholders of collapsed investment advisory firm Babcock & Brown for special leave to seek a re-trial of their cases alleging disclosure breaches because of the trial judge’s “excessive” three-year delay in delivering judgment.

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Sydney Symphony CEO sues over dismissal following sexual harassment probe
Employment 2022-04-11 1:32 pm By Miklos Bolza

Sydney Symphony has been taken to court by its former CEO who claims she was dismissed late last year after investigating multiple claims of sexual harassment by the orchestra’s musicians.

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Settlement reached in class action against trustee of collapsed IPO Wealth
Financial Services 2022-04-07 6:50 pm By Christine Caulfield

The trustee of Mayfair Group’s collapsed IPO Wealth Fund has reached an in-principle settlement in a class action alleging it misled investors, who lost $86 million when the fund was wound up.

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