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Australian cattle groups accused of infringing bovine gene patent
Intellectual Property 2024-04-29 11:35 pm By Sam Matthews

A US-based animal genomics company has taken Australia’s leading livestock and dairy groups to court, alleging they have infringed its patent for a system for conducting genetic testing on beef and dairy cattle by doing genetic testing without a licence.

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AMP class action judge says court should be ‘cautious’ in class closure fights
Article 2024-04-26 11:24 pm By Sam Matthews

AMP has lost its bid for soft class closure in a class action over allegedly excessive superannuation fees, with a judge finding the court should exercise “real caution” when class closure is opposed by the applicant. 

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Funder’s ‘very large’ cut from $100M AMP class action settlement warrants contradictor: court
Class Actions 2024-04-24 2:44 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has appointed a contradictor for an upcoming settlement approval hearing in a class action by financial advisers against AMP over its buyer of last resort policy, saying the funder was taking a “very large” cut of the $100 million settlement. 

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Icon forced into arbitration with ANSTO over $27M waste facility at Lucas Heights
Arbitration 2024-04-19 11:22 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has shut down a case by Icon against Australia’s nuclear agency over the $27 million construction of a waste treatment plant at Lucas Heights, saying the dispute should be determined by an arbitrator despite the parties waiving pre-arbitration steps.

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Court blesses Halifax liquidators’ settlement with King & Wood Mallesons
Restructuring & Insolvency 2024-04-15 11:10 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The liquidators for Halifax Investment Services were justified in reaching a compromise settlement in proceedings against King & Wood Mallesons alleging the firm and former auditor Bentleys failed to advise the defunct stockbroker that it had to hold client funds used to trade on its online platform on trust, a judge has found.

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IOOF offered $6M to settle class action that ultimately flopped 
Class Actions 2024-04-15 11:02 pm By Andy Sidler

Investment manager IOOF has failed to persuade a judge that the applicant in a failed shareholder class action should face indemnity costs for rejecting a $6 million offer to settle the case.

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‘Disappointing’: Lawyers bemoan loss of right to challenge ACCC merger decisions in court
Analysis 2024-04-10 11:11 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Competition law experts have raised doubts about changes to Australia’s merger review regime announced Wednesday, calling the reforms a mixed bag for businesses and the reduced role of the Federal Court “disappointing”.

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Top lawyer for West Gate Tunnel project sues Transurban for alleged bullying
Employment 2024-04-09 11:38 pm By Sam Matthews

The former head of legal for the West Gate Tunnel project has sued toll road operator Transurban, alleging she was made redundant after complaining about “a culture of fear and intimidation” on the project.

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AMP class action members deserve to know why discontinued claims fell short, judge says 
Class Actions 2024-04-09 11:29 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has refused to redact a judgment signing off on the discontinuance of several product claims in a class action against three AMP subsidiaries after the applicant failed to gather the required evidence, saying it was not enough that the reasons “may be an embarrassment to people who commenced the proceeding”. 

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Gladstone Ports class action funder, plaintiffs clash over who should run the case
Class Actions 2024-03-28 10:17 pm By Christine Caulfield

The litigation funder and lead plaintiffs in a class action against Queensland-owned Gladstone Ports are in dispute over who should be engaged to act in the long-running case after the solicitor on record left Clyde & Co for a rival law firm.

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