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Telstra’s case stayed against family of employee accused of $3M theft
Telecommunications 2024-08-26 11:11 pm By Andy Sidler

Telstra’s case against two family members of a former employee accused of stealing millions of dollars in phones and other electronics has been paused pending the outcome of criminal proceedings, with a court finding the telco’s pursuit of proceeds of the alleged crime would prejudice the pair’s right to silence.

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Judge orders soft class closure in Medibank shareholder class action
Class Actions 2024-08-23 11:50 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has made soft class closure orders in a shareholder class action against Medibank after the High Court has been asked to resolve a split on the issue by intermediate appellate courts.

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Kingfisher Mobile pares claims in $45M lawsuit against Telstra
Telecommunications 2024-08-16 11:45 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Contractor Kingfisher Mobile has dropped a claim against Telstra in a $45 million lawsuit alleging the telco breached a November 2022 contract when it engaged a new provider to take over. 

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Transurban settles bullying suit by former top lawyer for West Gate Tunnel project
Employment 2024-08-07 11:15 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Transurban has settled a lawsuit by the former head of legal for its West Gate Tunnel project alleging she was made redundant after complaining about a “culture of fear and intimidation on the project”.

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Judge says exec’s suit against Westpac a ‘private dispute’, suppresses case docs
Employment 2024-07-25 11:11 pm By Christine Caulfield

Characterising a settled lawsuit by a Westpac senior executive alleging employment breaches as a “private” matter, a judge has made broad confidentiality orders that bar public access to the case.

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Lendlease can’t get ex-Greenwoods partner’s damages evidence before mediation
Tax 2024-07-25 11:42 pm By Christine Caulfield

Lendlease, which is facing claims by a former Greenwoods & Herbert Smith Freehills partner over its alleged “aggressive taxation position”, has failed in its bid for orders that evidence of the partner’s alleged loss be filed before mediation.

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Former OnePath chair ‘not cooperating’ in ANZ class action, court told
Class Actions 2024-07-23 1:59 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The ex-chair of former ANZ unit OnePath “has not been cooperating” in a class action alleging it breached its duties as a trustee of superannuation funds by slugging members with excessive fees to pay commissions to financial advisers, a court has heard. 

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3A cladding class action wins spat over issues to be canvassed at two-month trial
Competition & Consumer Protection 2024-07-19 11:46 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Building materials manufacturer 3A Composites has lost a challenge to questions for a judge at an initial trial of a class action over combustible cladding, with a judge finding the issue of whether the company’s Alucobond panels were of acceptable quality was common to all group members. 

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AFL merch maker wins trade mark suit against US company Fanatics
Intellectual Property 2024-07-18 10:02 pm By Sam Matthews

AFL merchandise maker FanFirm has won a trade mark case against US sports merchandise giant Fanatics, with a judge finding it knew about the Australian company’s ‘Fanatics’ trade marks when it chose its corporate name.

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‘We’re not King & Wood Mallesons’ excuse doesn’t wash in bid to revive $400M suit
Construction 2024-07-16 2:36 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has rebuffed a developer’s bid to revive a $400 million lawsuit against an investor after it failed to comply with a guillotine order, saying it was not an adequate explanation that the firm of solicitors acting for it lacked the resources of the defendant’s Big Six outfit. 

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